Chapter 14:woken Up

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Y/n pov

It was early morning when i woke up,i tried to stand up but couldn't and then i realised something was on top of me so i removed the bed covers and saw akeno asleep with her lomg black hair, i moved her a bit to try and wake her up and it did and when she woke up she suddenly hugged me.

"hey, morning." akeno whispered upon my ear

"why are you whispering, its just the two of us, and why are you on top of me?" i asked

"well y/n~, im whispering beacause its really early and im sleeping beside you beacause i dont have and extra room remember?" akeno said siting in front of me

"hmm, yeah kinda forgot about that second part eheheh."i said giggling

"you know if you giggle like that you turn me on so bad" akeno said which made me blush

"what?! Your just being yourself akeno" i said with blushed cheeks

"maybe, but why is this little guy energetic then?" akeno said pointing to the bulge on your pants

"i-i can't help it ok! It's morning wood plus its a natural reaction. " i said mentioned that last word weakly

"eheheheh. " akeno said then stood up "well c'mon then we cant be late for class"

Akeno then stood up nd went to the bathroom whilst you waited outside.

"hey y/n?" akeno said

"yeah?" i replied

"can ypu grab me a towel i kinda forgot to bring mine" akeno said

"ok!" i said then went to find her a towel

Upon finding a towel for akeno i went behind the door and said

"im Leaving your towel outside ok?" i said

"no come in please my face is covered with shampoo so i can't see" akeno said

"a-are you sure?" i said feeling nauseating

"yes" akeno replied

I then opened the door slowly, then walked inside the whole room was smokey and i didn't understand why it was like that then i left the towel on a towel rack and tried to walk outside but when i did suddenly two pairs of hands covers my eyes and i got pulled.

I fell to the bath tub my shirt and pants wet.

"akeno why did you do that?" i said opening my eyes and saw a fully naked akeno

"like what you see~" akeno teased and saw my rod made a bulge "well looks like someone does"

"akeno why? Why do this?" i said

"i-I've always loved you do you know that."akeno said then looked at me with her beautiful eyes

"i didn't, but why me tho? I mean theres issei i thought you liked him" i said

"yes, i did but with you its different and so i decided to keep you to myself even if its selfish of me to do so. " akeno said

I then hugged akeno and kissed her cheeks

"does this mean you'll give me a chance?" akeno said

"of course, who wouldn't a beautiful young lady like you" i said

"awww~ don't be like that" akeno said and kissed me and i melted into the kiss aswell


When going to the school akeno was clinging onto me the whole time, once we reached the academy's gates all the students eyes was upon us.

"hey akeno?" i spoke

"yes darling?" akeno asked

"can you stop clinging to me now,i mean we are inside the campus now." i said

Akeno pouted at this comment and said.

"i don't care what others say, all i need is you and you alone."she said then hugged me

"ow~ ow~ ok, i get it." i said then hugged her aswell

Then we proceeded to our respective chairs upon reaching our classroom.

"sooo, y/n hows living with akeno?" rias asked infront of me.

"its ok i guess." i said then looked akeno glarring at me "i mean! Its very nice!"

"oh? Is that so, thats good then" rias said

"well hows issei and you?" i asked

"oh that? He hasn't asked mw out yet..."rias said abit sad

"hmmm, maybe issei's just waiting foe the right time?" i said trying to comfort rias

"hmmm, maybe..." rias said then the classroom teacher appeared and classes started

Classes was the same as always but for some odd reason i can feel akeno's eyes looking at me every now and then so i decided to ask her after classes why she does it.

After classes ended akeno went to my side immediately and spoke.

"hey y/n." akeno said

"yes akeno?" i asked

"can we go on a date later? After the club room meeting?" akeno asked

"umm.. Sure why not?" i said to which akeno hugged ne again and kissed my cheeks

"awwww~ thanks darling!" akeno said


Our date went as akeno planned it, we went to the mall ate for dinner there then went to go shop for minor stuff.

"hey y/n?" akeno asked


"do you wonder, if there is a world where you and i never met?" akeno asked

"why would i wonder about that, i already happy with what we have." i said then hugger her tight

"aw~ you pass, hehehe" akeno said

"hmmm? What did i pass?" i asked

"it was a test, heheheh now you'll receive a gift from me later..." she said then hugged me tighter and kissed me.

"what kind of gift naughty girl?" i asked

"something you'll definitely like" akeno said teasingly

"hahahha, then i can't wait" i replied

"you've gotten aggressive y/n,and i really like it heheheh." akeno said

"off course only for you ima do this, hheheheheh" i said

Me and her then got home and things got heated, after this we spent most of our time just watching television and of course every now and then we would do heated stuff again.

Had to end this book here, im experiencing writers block

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