Chapter 11: Puppet

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Third person pov

The sounds of explosion and screams of pain was heard by issei whilst trying his best looking for gasper rias's bishop while rias went and tried to look for y/n if he does appear on the battleground.

"y/n are you here?" rias shouted, inside a dark room

"guess not here" she said then saddened

"looking for someone?" a person said

Rias then turns and looks at the person then gasps

"kuroka what are you doing here?!" rias said, then readied herself for a fight

"nothing really just here to play with prey actually" kuroka said, then grinned wickedly

"hmpf! Your judgment comes today!" rias shouted then fired a blast of destruction

Which kuroka dodged, she then fired multiple attacks which rias blocked rias then fired a huge ball of destruction back at her which caused smoke to form, when the smoke disappeared kuroka disappeared aswell.

Meanwhile issei was finally found gasper which was being held by a couple mages

"i could probably take them on" issei said to himself

"do not worry issei, you are far stronger than they are" d'raig said

Issei then summoned his sacred gear then showed himself

"enemy!" one of the mages shouted, to which the others prepared their attacks

They then fired their attacks which hit issei

"did we get him?" a mages asked

"maybe" another one replied

"hahahaha you missed me!" issei shouted then ran and punched a mage then threw that mage to another mage

The other mages then fired their attacks at issei which he dodged, he then jumped into the air and dropped himself like a meteor then knocked the mage close to him then then took that mage and kicked him away then the last two mages just ran away instead of fighting, issei then went to gasper

"hey gasper, its me issei" issei said then gasper turned his head

"i-issei-san?" gasper said

"yep" he smiled "c'mon lets get going!"

Then the two went back to rias theb suddenly they felt a strong presence in the battlefield

"issei!" rias shouted running over to him

"wheres the others?" issei asked

"upfront fighting" rias said"you felt it right? "

"i did, he's gotta be close right?" issei asked

"yes, and we'll find him this time" rias said then they went back to where sirzechs was

Once they reached sirzechs they saw azazel was sent to the ground that created Crater

"ahhh~" azazel said stretching his arms "guess i should've known you'd betray me vali"

"hahaha" vali laughed "honestly you actually think im on your side or something?"

"yep, pretty much" azazel said

"why do this?" lord Michael said

"oh why? Beacause that man!" vali pointed to sirzechs "is not a lucifer and the devil faction made him king! And casted me out!"

"don't tell me" sirzechs said

"thats right, im vali lucifer" vali said then stretched his wings

"i had no control over that you knew that vali!" sirzechs said

"still you could've turned it down, instead you accepted it!" vali shouted "well i won't dwell on past no more its time i end you!"

"vali wait" a voice said behind vali

"ophis?!" lord Michael said

"ophis!" sirzechs said "what are you doing here infinity dragon?!"

"im here to cause chaos of course, after all we are the chaos brigade" ophis said

"chaos brigade?!" sirzechs said

"thats right" vali said then turned to issei" issei hyoudou soon enough I'll be fighting you!"he pointed

"well we wont be able to entertain you for today" ophis said "but, my weapon can"

"weapon?!" everyone was confused

Then suddenly a black Portal opened behind ophis and y/n came out

"y/n!" rias's entire peerage shouted

"oh don't worry, he doesn't hear you so dont bother" vali said

"i leave you them y/n" ophis said "please entertain them well"

"hmmm.." y/n said, then turned to sirzechs and the other leaders

Y/n's magic then activates and a huge burst of destructive wind was released sending everyone and everything to the ground then y/n's magic started to create cracks in reality itself

"whats happening?" lord Michael said

"its y/n's destructive magic it has the ability to created gaps or voids on space and time" sirzechs said "basically his magic is strong enough to break reality for a short time"

"y/n must be stopped" azazel said

"how! Hes wind magic is way to strong!" rias shouted

"gasper must stop time" azazel said

"wha? What?! Me?!" gasper sgouted panicking "im to scared tho!"

"its ok gasper you can do it!" issei shouted

"I'll,I'll try!" gasper shouted back "za warudo! Oops wrong anime"

Beacause of y/n's strong destructive magic The laws of the world is being broken but then gasper closes his eyes and time suddenly stopped gasper then stands up and went behind y/n then pushed him, time went back to normal then y/n was sent to the ground while gasper ran

"nows our chance!" rias shouted

"bind him!" akeno shouted

Then rias, akeno, sirzechs, lord Michael placed a binding magic on y/n which prevented y/n from using his magic and movement

"tsk tsk" vali said "try all you want you wont be able to bring him back"

Then y/n's destruction magic envelops his entire body then horns suddenly grow from him and his magic exploded breaking then bind spells aswell

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