Chapter 5: Training With Sona

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So there i was on top of a mountain along with sona behind me

"ready y/n?" sona asked

"I'll try" i replied, then closed my eyes

"remember, imagine your power flowing within you imagine it manifest into your hands" sona said, then steps back and readied a healing spell

While my eyes were closed my arms were slowly getting covered by a black ink and red circuit like lines appear aswell, slowly i open my eyes and was surprised to see the change

"sona i did it!" i said, with joy

"yes, you did know you have to manifest the energy or an attack" sona said, then pulls up the ancient tablet that her sister gave her"it seems your power has multiple modes of attacks and destructive capabilities, so you have to be carefull on using this power"

I then close my eyes then move my hands above my head like im about to swing a sword then,the energy manifested

I then close my eyes then move my hands above my head like im about to swing a sword then,the energy manifested

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[ignore beserker]

"such power!!" sona says, then rias appears with akeno

"sona whats happenin-- woaahhhh!!!" rias shouted

Meanwhile i was panicking not knowing where to release the immense energy i have created.

"Y/N!" sona shouted, so i turn to her"RELEASE IT UNTO THAT MOUNTAIN!" sona points to another mountain

So i started to ready my self for the kickback of the energy then release

The beam was miniscule compared to the opening phase of that attack but i could feel the heat the energy rushing from my finger tips into the beam, meanwhile the mountain top where i was firing to was melting and some of the trees behind it disint...

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The beam was miniscule compared to the opening phase of that attack but i could feel the heat the energy rushing from my finger tips into the beam, meanwhile the mountain top where i was firing to was melting and some of the trees behind it disintegrated to nothingness, then suddenly the beam started to get bigger and bigger until the entire mountain that i was firing to became a u top mountain.

"i didn't expect that sudden increase of the beam in the last y/n, did you do something?" sona said, behind me

"no, in fact i felt like in the first time i fired the beam it was supposed to be big but i think because i was hesitant to release more power thats why the beam was smol at first" i said, then rias motioned me

"y/n you do know we cant fix that mountain right?" rias said

"wait what?" i say, with a scared impression

"y-yeah i just didn't expect that the power released would be so strong, sorry" sona said, then promised she'll do something about the mountain.

Timeskip back to two days

I was waiting for issei to come to the Forrest to train but he was taking his time, so i decided to grab Ikazuchinotsurugi once i did i the. Unsheated the blade and gazed upon its beauty

But i started to notice something about the sword, it was glowing but ever so slightly so i just shrugged it off thinking its just the rays of the sun after waiting for half an hour issei appears clearly tired and exhausted so i walk over to a tree and mentioned her to come

"here, take this drink" i said, giving isseia water bottle"what took you so long?"

"something happened" issei said, then started to explain about the riser phenex situation

"ahh i see" i said, then started to ponder why riser wants rias "why do you think riser wants rias" i asked

"i think he, thinks that if he marries to the gremory he'd have more power" issei said, then forms a fist on his right hand

"your angry?" i ask

"yes, i am" issei said

"good, use it" i said then jumped back and readied a stance

"w-wait i didnt expect we'd train to day?!" issei said,panicking not knowing what to do

"i said, we'd train!" i then ran towards him and once i got close enough i swing my sword.

But then he dodged it i then swing my sword again but he kept on dodging i then tell him his defense is good but offensive none, once i said this i then jumped into the air and does a dive attack almost hitying issei

"dude! That would've killed me!" issei said, scared

"what did you say? Did you just call me? Your brother a dude?" i said, angrily

"s-sorry?" he asked

"what did i teach you about MANNERS!" i said, then accidentally activated my magic the released some sort of mode of attack

"woah?!" issei was amazed by this

"you put your guard down!" i shouted, then he tried to run again but this time i managed to knock him out

Timeskip the next day

I was on my way to rias's office classes just ended and i wanted to ask her about the riser situation, but once i got to her office she was asleep on her table peacefully i then walk towards her and tried to shake her awake but to no avail

"i guess she's been really tired lately" i said

"you guessed  right"akeno said, coming in to the office aswell" what brings you here y/n?"

" i was about to ask about a man named riser? "i asked

"hmm~" she pondered "i see its about the rating game huh"

"rating game?" i asked, then akeno starts explaining but then the door opens revealing koneko

"whats wrong koneko?" i asked

"issei" pants"needs help"

"what?! Where is he?!" i asked, worried about issei she explained then starts to lead me the way while akeno tries to wake up rias.

After running for quite a while i hear an explosion in the distance and so i unsheated Ikazuchinotsurugi and once i was inside i saw kiba busy with other fallens while koneko went back into fighting

Two fallen angels block my way to the basement then they readied their light spears and so i took my stance, then the first guy hurls his light spear at me and so i ran towards the other guy then he tried to pierce me but i dodged and sliced his feet i then slice the. Both of their heads and then went to the basement door and opened it

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