Chapter 8:Training

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Third person pov

The sounds of swords clashing, y/n junps into the air and released a beam of energy at kiba which kiba dodged kiba then jumped into the air and got y/n off guard and kicked him into the ground kiba then slashed down ward y/n norrowly dodged and kicked kiba

"not bad kiba, but still too slow!" y/n shouted

Then engulfed his sword with his destructive winds and the surrounding area started to crack from the resulting winds, rias casted a barrier around kiba and y/n to prevent even more damages

"prepare!" y/n pulled his sword above his head and kiba summoned his strongest sword "DIVINE RETRIBUTION!"

y/n then swund his sword down which released a destructive wave of winds which hit kiba's sword, kiba feeling the strength of y/n's attack decided to dodge instead of trying5to parry the attack so he dropped his sword and ran as fast as he could to the side, but y/n's attack still went straight destroying the land behind kiba and almost cracking rias's barrier

"ok thats enough for today" rias said

"good job y/n!" akeno said, then pulled y/n to her boobs

"hmm! Mmm!" y/n tried saying then managed to pull himself out "do you want to kill me or something! I couldn't breathe!"

"ahw~ thanks for the compliment" akeno said

"it wasn't a compliment!" y/n said blushing

"hey you two get a room!" issei shouted

Y/n then grabbed akeno's hand and pulled her away whilst everyone was watching

"well that was different?" rias said

"hmpf!" koneko said, then walked angrily

"whats with her?" issei asked

"i dont know?" rias said "anyways, lets get going"

The rias, asia, issei, kiba and koneko went back to the mansion where they were staying at meanwhile at the forest y/n was dragging akeno

"ara, where are we going y/n?" akeno said then y/n turned around and let go of akeno

"whats wrong with you!" y/n shouted "you always tease me!"

"i-i thought its ok?" akeno said

"well its not ok! One of this days your gonna give me a heart attack!" y/n shouted then akeno broke down in tears

"i-i thought its ok! Cuz I've always seen you alone i just wanted to make you smile and give you happiness!" akeno said, crying

Y/n then felt guilty and bent down

"im sorry, i just not used to people teasing me" y/n said

"no, im sorry" akeno said, then y/n wiped akeno's tears and held her chin and slowly kissed her

The two then kissed,y/n holding akeno tightly and akeno started to hold y/n tightly aswell after a minute of kissing y/n then pulled back

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