Chapter 19

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"Hey, Ivy? Regina?" Emma looks up from her blank piece of paper and calls out as you all start to busy yourself with your tasks.
"Yeah?" You call back, looking up from the leaf you've been fiddling with.
"I need you guys to do something."
Regina steps toward the blonde from across the camp, tilting her head upwards to signal her interest.
"Regina, I need you to do a locator spell. I think there's something near us but I don't know how to reach it."
"You think? I'm going to need you to be more specific, Swan." Regina rolls her eyes.
"I had a dream last night about a cave. And since I can't get this stupid map to work I need your help."
"Why do you need me?" You ask curiously, stepping up next to Regina.
"Because you were the one who found it."
Everyone turns to you with shocked expressions, though you're equally shocked.
"Don't you think it could have just been a dream? I have no idea where it is." You frown, suddenly feeling the pressure to help everyone.
"Regina, start the locator spell and let Ivy guide you." Emma's clearly determined to find this cave.
Regina nods firmly and you watch as she closes her eyes and holds her hands out in front of her.
Is this woman really about to do magic?
You see purple flecks of light begin to radiate off of her hands and her eyes light up purple for a moment as she opens them.
"We'll start this way." She commands with a brief nod as she begins walking toward a opening in the forest. "You ready?"
"Sure." You roll your eyes teasingly.
What the hell is going on?
"She's going to be leading off of your internal instinct." Emma informs you, you pause for a moment before nodding briefly.
"Right." You reply with an uneasiness.
You turn swiftly to see Regina waiting for you at the clearing.

She begins walking in front of you and you can't help but loose concentration as you watch her hips sway and her hair gracefully falling down her neck.
"I can feel your eyes, you know." She taunts in her typical low tone and although you can't see it, you know she's smirking at you.
You walk up close behind her and notice her slow her pace down.
"Oh, don't flatter yourself, your majesty." You smirk mischievously as she turns her head to eye you up.

"So... you dreamt about this place?" You ask Emma as each of you stare up and around this huge cave.
"Yeah." Emma's clearly deep in thought.
"Well would you care to enlighten us on what happened in your dream, sheriff?" Regina deadpans with her classic raised eyebrow and pursed lip.
You stop yourself from smirking at her across the cave. Emma snaps her attention to the brunette, faltering for a moment.
"Sure. Follow me." She says confidently, you follow along close behind, with your parents and Killian following a little behind.
Emma turns to you with a teasing smirk. You give her a glare, warning her not to say anything.
"You two finally make up properly on your little walk?" Emma whispers beside you, grinning at your eye roll.
"Emma, will you shut up for one minute?" You hide your own amusement as pick up your pace just as Regina did moments before. Emma speeds up next to you before leaning in, clearly going to utter something smart.
"For the record," you firmly whisper before she can speak. "we didn't do that. You pervert." You roll your eyes playfully, smirking to yourself before walking off once again.

You find yourself crouching through a walkway and entering a huge clearing in the cave.
You gasp at the huge ceiling covered in mysterious marks and glance toward the rest of the group as they follow behind.
"Was this in your dream, Saviour?" Regina deadpans, clearly wanting to know what Emma's getting at.
Emma looks equally as fascinated as you, gazing up at the domed roof before acknowledging Regina's remark.
"Yeah." She sounds as if she doesn't even believe it herself.
You frown across the space as your eye catches a small crystal.
"Ivy?" Regina calls curiously as she notices you stray from the group.
You slowly bend down and pick up the object, eyeing it intensely before turning back toward the group.
"What about this?" You ask fearfully, silently praying that Emma's one step ahead.
Emma doesn't answer she only stares intensely at the crystal in your hand. You glance around to see everyone eyeing her expectantly but she's in her own world.
"We have to tell our deepest secrets." She announces, never once taking her attention off of the objects.
You shoot your eyes toward Regina who crosses her arms and scoffs at your sister.
"Excuse me?"
Your mother steps forward, looking as if she's going to give one of her great speeches.
"Surely it can't hurt if we try?" MM pitches in softly.
"Well, I'm sorry to disappoint you but I didn't get thrown on this island to sit and have a group therapy session. Least of all, with the Charming's." Regina purses her lips and you can see her walls coming up.
What is it that she's hiding so fiercely?
"That's exactly what we were sent here to do." You mutter loud enough for everyone to turn their attention. "I went to gold for information. He told me to wait until our hearts open up... it all makes sense."
"It was written on the wall in my dream..." Emma nods in conclusion. "If we can find it in here, then I'll know it was real."
You each begin to scan the walls, splitting up and looking for any details.
Regina rolls her eyes and sighs once more before reluctantly joining.
"You know, I'd be honoured to know a secret about you, m'lady." Killian sidles up next to you and gives you his best smirk.
"Wouldn't you just." You smile back, unimpressed with his lame attempt to flirt.
"I'm just saying..." he holds his hands up. "We might not get out of here... and if there's anyone I'd like to trade secret's with, it's you." He grins and you can't hide the distaste written across your face.
You turn slightly and catch Regina's cold stare across the space. If looks could kill, Killian wouldn't even be able to utter another word.
"How is it that in a life or death situation you still somehow manage to try and flirt?" You roll your eyes at him before busying yourself with looking around again.
"Hey, I'm just trying to show you what Storybrooke has to offer a young lady like yourself."
You frown back at him.
"I think I'm familiar." You turn the corners of your mouth down in distaste.
"You mean to tell me that Madame Mayor over there, is keeping you occupied with her evil plans?" Killian scoffs. "You know, she will never change. That kind of evil doesn't just disappear. Why don't you ask yourself why she's so defensive? She'll never be the person you want her to be."
He says it quiet enough for no one else to hear, but you know that Regina strained hard enough to catch the conversation.
You were expecting her to rage at the brunette pirate but she merely turns away. You frown to yourself; maybe Killian's right.
There's so much you didn't know. But she risked it all just to tell you what you asked for.
Even your family kept this secret from you your whole life.

You stand and stare at a crack in the rock. As you follow the line you start to notice it begin to make a picture. Your frown grows deeper as you try to make sense of the symbol.
"This is pointless." Regina rolls her eyes and groans once again, every ounce of patience within her has well and truly worn out.
"It can't be for nothing." Emma retorts back. "I know what I saw."
"Ivy?" You faintly hear your mother call out gently.
A silence spreads throughout the cave, you feel everyone's eyes slowly turn to you, though you don't turn around. You're too transfixed by the marking.
"Okay, that wasn't there before." Killian remarks.
"Ivy?" Emma rushes toward you, equally interested in the symbol. "How did you do that?"
"I don't know... I just looked at it."

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