Chapter 40

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"Oh Henry always speaks highly of his Mother's lasagne." Your mother cheerfully attempts conversation. "I suppose it's lucky for him that Regina can cook because we all know how terrible Emma is at it."
"How is she?"
"You haven't seen her?" Your father questions.
"I mean... not really. I spent 18 years with her everyday I think we can survive a week or so, Dad." You sass, clearly Regina's rubbing off on you.
"She's found her own place. It's not far at all, you should get her a housewarming present. I'm sure she and Killian would love to see you."
"Oh, I'm sure the pirate would love to see you." Regina re-enters the room at the perfect time, never forgetting to bring the sass.
"She's moved in with him?!" You practically shriek.
"She's happy, Ivy." MM softly scolds. "We're happy for her just as we're happy for you."
"Yeah but my situation is a little different..." You begin, thinking of all the scummy things Killian is known for. Your parent's merely shift uncomfortably, purposely not commenting. You immediately clock Regina's annoyance and wrap your foot around her leg comfortingly under the table. She stops herself from biting. "Ok." You roll your eyes, taking another sip from your cup.
"I suppose your job's getting quite busy Regina." Your mother randomly attempts conversation again.
"Not particularly, Mary-Margaret." Regina deadpans back, enjoying the blush that coats your mother's cheeks.
"What exactly is it that you want from our daughter?" Your father blurts, his heroic side jumping out at the worst times.
You're too late to stop Regina biting this time.
"Excuse me?" She spits.
"Oh come on, Regina." He smirks at her as if he has the upper hand and Regina's anger only rages. "We're all past that now, aren't we?"
"I have invited you into my home, purely because your daughter wishes that of me." Her forehead vein begins to pop. Oh no. "If I wanted to, I could have ripped your heart out and turned you to ash the second you set foot in here. And trust me, it crossed my mind. So I warn you, Charming, the only reason you're still alive is because I have found a reason to try to be good. You don't want to ruin it."
Your hand finds it way to her thigh and you squeeze it reassuringly. Her hand rests atop of yours as the smalltalk continues on painfully, until the oven beeps it signal that dinner is ready.

"This really was excellent, Regina, thank you." MM compliments as she hums with pleasure at the brunette's cooking.
"Thank you." Regina politely accepts, as both yourself and her collect the empty dishes.
"Another drink?" You ask your parent's as you pour the apple cider, knowing whatever conversations that'll come up soon will need more alcohol.
"Just a small glass, honey." MM smiles.
"I'll have a big one." Your father jokes.
"Sure." You chuckle along with him. "How are you guys doing?" You ask them genuinely, allowing Regina to clear the dishes in the kitchen.
"Things are good." MM seems like she has something to say.
"That's great." You hide your frown.
What is she hiding?
Regina promptly joins back in and sits with her drink, placing her hand on your knee under the table and causing your heart to leap. You rest your hand on top of hers and rub it with your thumb, softly.
"Yeah, we've missed you but it's nice having the house to ourselves." Your father adds.
"Gross." You mutter. You frown at your mother's suspicious shifting in her seat. She's always been terrible at keeping things. "Mom, if you have something to say can you just say it?" You pointedly ask, assuming it's something about Regina.
"I'm pregnant." She blurts, clearly shocked by the speed of her admission.
Your eyes dart to your father, your mouth agape and countless emotions running through your mind.
"Ivy." Regina whispers, squeezing your hand.
"Does Emma know?" You swallow your emotions down, though everyone can see them.
"Not yet."
"You'd better tell her soon." You down your drink, noticing Regina's concerned expression from the corner of your eye. "I'm not discussing this now."
"Ivy-" MM pleads.
"No, Mom. I said I won't. This is not the time and you know it."
"Ivy, please." Your father pitches in. "We don't want to upset you. We were planning on explaining everything to Emma tomorrow."
"Good." You spit back, harsher than intended. "Because knowing Mom, the whole town probably already knows and I'm not having Emma find out from one of your gossiping dwarves. I won't have that. And I'm not having this conversation when Regina has tried so hard to give you a pleasant evening."
"Ivy!" Your father bellows in retort.
"What?" You match his tone.
A silence spreads through the dinner table and Regina squeezes your thigh tightly.
"You know what-" your mother sniffles slightly, her eyes watching the floor as she gets up from her seat. "Thank you for this evening, it's been wonderful. I do not wish to intrude any longer."
You watch in silence, unsure of what to say because honestly, you want your parent's gone so you can fall into the comfort that is Regina.
Your father pauses for a moment before rising from his chair also, giving a short smile.
"Yes. Thank you. I believe we've said enough."
You scoff.
"I'll walk you to the door." Regina politely smiles.
You stand at the dinner table, frozen, and Regina doesn't challenge. She merely continues her task and you hear them get further and further away, until the familiar noise of the grand door closing, has you releasing a breath you didn't know you were holding.
"Sweetheart?" Regina gently coos from the archway. The comfort of her voice has your emotions collapse over you and a sob wracks through your throat. "Oh, my love." She rushes over to you and swiftly embraces your crumpled figure.
"I'm sorry." You cry into her expensive dress.
"Don't you apologise!" She scolds, pulling away to look into your eyes. "Come and sit with me."
You solemnly obey, slumping onto the couch next to her and resting your head in her lap, her manicured fingers gliding through your hair. "What is it, dear?" She gently asks, the comfort of her presence already subsiding the tears.
"Well, I knew before that Mom wanted another baby-" you sniffle. "Like she said in the Enchanted Forest. Emma and I never talked about it but I know we felt the same. We never had the childhood we wanted. We were sent into the normal world. Orphans. And now they just want to replace us and give this child what they never gave us? It hurts. It hurts because Emma and I grew up thinking that whoever our parent's were, they didn't think we were enough to keep. And now..." you cry once again. "And now they've confirmed this by having to have another baby and do it all again. They want a redo of what they messed up. And I have to watch. It's stupid."

"It is not stupid. And I know this may be hard to believe, dear." Regina hums as she caresses your hair. "But your parent's are so proud of you. I can see it in their eyes whenever they look at you. And as much as that would have enraged me as the Evil Queen, I find it endearing. They love you just as much as I do, though I would like to say no one loves you as much as I." She sasses in a low tone. "But they do. And Emma. You have such a special family, please try to see it that way. You've overcome what most people couldn't imagine and for that I simply cannot apologise enough. Believe me, I wrestle with that guilt every moment-"
You turn to the older brunette, scooting in her lap to look up at her features.
"Regina, please don't carry that burden-"
"No, Ivy, I must be held accountable for all I did in my past. I am learning and healing, thanks to you, but that doesn't change all the awful acts I committed out of anger."
"Let's make a deal..." You start to grin up at her as she raises an eyebrow at your suggestion.
"Don't get too ahead of yourself, dear. As far as I remember, you still owe me for the last deal.' Regina counters, playing along. "But don't let me stop your proposal."
You roll your eyes at her sarcasm, though you love it more than you will ever admit.
"You stop beating up yourself about the past and I'll be happy for my parents."
"You know that'll come with a price, Swan." She smirks.
"Mhm." You attempt to hide your smile, miserably. "I think I can guess what you have in mind." You wrap your arms around her neck and pull her down for a passionate kiss.
"You're a smart ass, you know that?" Regina bites her bottom lip, her pearly teeth on display.
"Run's in the family, your majesty." You mutter out between kisses.

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