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Alyssa Davis

We don't say anything, for a while we just sit in the hug. Eventually the tears stop, my cheeks dry and my breathing returns to normal. I sit up straight to look at Harry, who still looks quite affected but I just smile, trying to silently tell him that I'm okay.

He just keeps looking at me like he's never seen my face before, occasionally wetting his lips or scratching his nose or jawline with his index finger. Once he feels like he's studied my face long enough, he pulls me to sit in his lap with my legs wrapped around his back. With the angle I'm sitting at, I'm looking down on his beautiful face, running a hand back through his hair and resting it at the back of his neck. Still, we both stay silent. His hands hold onto my hips before encircling me with his arms and locking them in a strong hold around my waist.

I just keep looking at him, admiring what's in front of me. He truly is stunning and sort of unreal. He doesn't look like he should be allowed to walk around being that flawless. Like an actual error happened and whoever creates us, got carried away with showing off their skills and forgot that no one is supposed to be perfect.

I can't help but touch him, just to make sure he is real, sitting here with me. My fingertips trace softly over all his features and occasionally I let my eyes connect with his. I think I could stare into them forever and never stop finding new nuances of golden green. I can only imagine how infatuated I must look right now, but I'm alright with that because frankly, I am.

Once I've traced over every indent and freckle, I sigh.

"You're beautiful"

I can't help but say it out loud, I've been screaming it in my head for the past ten minutes and I just have to let it out, but I stick to muttering lowly though. No need to startle him with my overwhelming adoration.

Harry still stays silent, but I'm sure he's heard me because he replies by pulling me down to him. Then he presses his lips against mine. I exhale in relief when he kisses me, not realizing how much I actually needed that closeness before I felt it. Now I doubt I'll be able to leave him alone for the rest of the night. Harry doesn't seem to mind though, his arms are tightly wrapped around me still as he depens the kiss, slipping his tongue past my lips and into my mouth.

He lovingly caresses my tongue with his own as they tangle in my mouth, and his arms start to loosen so he can begin moving his hands around my body. He's gentle yet a hint of passion underlies, letting me know that he wants the same thing I do.

His hands start getting needier, roaming more aimlessly, seemingly trying to touch as much of me as possible. At the same time, my hands tug more desperately at his hair and I mindlessly begin grinding my center against his for some friction.

When I start rocking on top of him, a quiet moan escapes him and the hardness I feel underneath me explains why. He's already rock hard and it must be painful inside those painted on skinny jeans.

His hands go to the hem of the shirt I was intending to sleep in, and I immediately lift my arms, letting him free my torso of the fabric. His t-shirt is quick to follow suit and once his upper body is naked, we return to kissing. This time it's even more heated, like the lack of clothes made us both more excited and desperate for what's to come.

His hands move to my back, slipping under the the band of my bra and smoothing up and down my skin.

"Take it off" I whisper against him, slipping my hands down to his broad shoulders. His heavily tattooed skin is warm under my touch, sending lighting up my spine and through my body. He nods, continuing to kiss me as I feel the clasp being undone and the straps falling down my arms. I pull back a little so I can get rid of it. Once we're both completely naked from the waist up, we let out a synchronized shaky breath.

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