Horns and Wings

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we arrive at the house but my legs feel very numb,so Phil carries me from the car to his house and sits me down on the couch

I start to get tired and turn to Phil,who seems to be on a small device that has a sound coming from it 

"Phil?" I say,not being able to make eye contact "Yea?" Phil reply's "can I go to sleep" I say looking around the room "sure" he says,He carried me up the stairs and put me into very comfortable clothes "thank you" I say to Phil "your welcome" He says as he lays my head down on a pillow and pulls the blanket over my shoulders

"good night" Phil says as he walks out of the room. I turn to the side and see the boy on his side "It seems like he cried himself to sleep" I think to myself. I close my eyes and drift off to sleep

I wake up to sharp head,back and ear pains so I lunge up and I woke up the boy "are you okay?" the boy says "I-I-I don't know" I say "PHIL!!!!" the boy yells from his bed and Phil comes running up the stairs

"Yes,Tommy" Phil says "something is off about Toby" Phil bends down and takes a closer look at my head,back and ears "I don't see anything" Phil says getting up "maybe just growing pains" Phil says and leaves the room "Tommy?"  I say "yea,that's my name" Tommy reply's "That's a nice name" I say,smiling "I can tell we are going to be best friends,Tommy smiles and we start talking about stuff 

until,Tommy freezes and looks me dead in my eyes "Hmm?" I say,tilting my head a little bit "your eye's" he says "a little rude" I say moving my head the opposite direction of him "I'm going to get something" he says,walking into a room with tile floors,a tub,and 2 bowls, one on a counter and one on the floor

"look" he says as he points a mirror, I jump a little bit,seeing my reflection but then settle and look at my eyes "they look like r-r-ram eye's" I says,scooting backwards "I'm getting Phil" Tommy says,he walks out of the door

as soon as he does,my ears start ringing and then I hear the conversation downstairs with Phil and Tommy "how?" I think to myself,then from a distance I hear massive foot steps and I rush under my blanket

"Toby?" Phil says "Hi,Phil" I say slightly muffled "Tommy said your eyes look different" Phil says "I came up here to see if he was just being rude or serious" I slowly crawl to the end of the bed and peek my head out from under the blankets "what the hell?" Phil says looking at me 

"your ears are new" Phil says "huh?" I say grabbing the same mirror off of the floor "m-m-my ears" I say "Their r-r-ram ears" "yea" Phil says as he looks behind him and expands his dark grey wings "Woah" I say, I jump out of the bed and start hugging his wings and I look up at him

"I was wonder if the back pains you get your own wings like will,techno and Tommy" Phil says "I'm not sure what the head pains are though" "Oh!" Tommy says "wait here!" he says as he runs into another room "here" he says pointing a screen to Phil 

"ram's?" Phil says "the head pains might be him growing horns" Tommy says,flapping his small red and gold wings "woa" I think to myself "those wings are very pretty" "maybe" Phil says 

"so that means the back pains are wings" "maybe" Tommy says "you did have back pains when you grew yours" Phil says,closing his wings "how about we talk about this after breakfast" Phil says,picking me up "got it" Tommy says,rushing down the stairs

"I'm still kinda tired" I yawn "okay" Phil says laying me down on the bed "just know,I am going to wake you for dinner if you're not awake by then" "okay Phil" I say as I turn "sleep tight" Phil says,walking out of the door and closing it,I close my eyes and drift off to sleep

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