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I wake up and Ant is sitting at the window across from my bed,not facing me and swaying his tail, I get up and sit next to him "whats wrong" I think,He turns into his human-ish cat form, Still swaying his tail "I feel like we let Tommy down" He says "mostly me" he turns his head away from me,looking at this hand in guilt "Its never to late to revive him" I think,putting  my hand on his back 

"but what if it is" He says,tears fill up his eyes but he wipes them off " I left him to die,I let him die,I let him down" I take my hand off his back "there is one person I know who has a lot of books and one of them may be revival and resurrection" I think "who?" Ant says,looking at me "Techno!" I think "maybe he could help!" "okay..." Ant says,he turns into his cat form and climbs onto my shoulder

Ant writes a paper that says "we are out-Ant and Toby" I spread my wings and start to fly "my old house" I think to myself,I walk in the door and see nobody, Ant let out a loud meow that everybody in the house would of heard,silence

Ant turns into his human-ish cat form "where is Techno's room" He says,looking down at me,I point to a door with a sign that says "Kings Throne Room,Stay Out" "interesting" Ant says,walking over to the door,I walk with him

we go into his room and shelf's apon shelf's of books with a bed in the middle of it "lets get looking" Ant says,but before we do,A door creeks. I jump up,grabbing a piece of wood from the floor,the door and I swing but I get stopped mid air "hey,Phil" Ant says "hello,Ant" Phil says,letting go of my arm "is there something here you need?" Phil asks,tipping up his hat "a book on revival and resurrection" Ant says, Phil starts looking for the book "why do you need it?" Phil asks. Ant looks down at his paws and starts shaking "Tommy's d.d..dead" he says,collapsing to the floor,Phil stops "he's dead..?" Phil asks,tears start forming in his eyes "yea.." Ant says "I watched it happen,I could of done something,but I was to scared to face a demon" "Well,I am sure that this will help" Phil says,handing Ant a black book written in red string and a potion

"whats the potion" Ant asks,looking at Phil "it says it in Chapter 20" Phil says,looking back "Its about ghost revival and resurrection" Ant smiles and stands up,he tosses the book and potion up as he turns into his cat form and catches the book in his mouth and potion in his tail. he nods his head and Phil does it back "be safe my ram" Phil says as I fly out the door,I get home and Ranboo is sitting on the floor,bobbing back and forth with a cup of black tea,I wave to Ranboo,he waves back and I walk into my room,Tommy turns to me "what do you have?" he says,floating up and peeking over 

"a revival and resurrection" Ant says,turning into his human-ish cat form and handing to book to me,I start turning pages to find chapter 20 "a Ha" I say,a sharp pain hits my jaw "ow" I squeak "Have any of you tried to figure out what could be causing the pains or have you just been keeping quiet and not trying" Tommy asks with a sass-filled face, Ant and I look blankly,me looking to the side, Tommy rolls his eyes "We will figure out after my resurrection"

I Turn the book so Ant could see,he reads the book "Tommy,do you have a resurrection charm"Ant says Tommy holds his green charm out"good" Ant says,Ant hands the potion to Tommy "after I say some words,drink the potion" Ant says,turning to Tommy "okay!" Tommy says,very exited "One at day,two at night,three during the evening,filled with fright,under the ground,above the earth brings life to one who was hurt"Ant chants 3 times,Tommy drinks the potion and holds the charm. A bright glow radiates off of him,looking like I was looking into the sun,I turn away,until I don't see anymore light,I turn back and Tommy's eyes are closed and he is a little wobbly then falls onto the bed and starts to sleep 

Ant feels his head "Its warm" Ant says, I was very happy to have Tommy back, "how about we get some rest before figuring out your jaw problem" Ant suggests,I nod and lay down, Ant pulls the covers over me and turns into his cat form and curled next to me. the I driffed to bed

Tubbo...? (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now