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I wake up and see Tommy ,criss-crossed on the floor with something in his hands. I see he's crying but I don't know why ,Niki seems to be gone but I can tell she just left "Tommy?" I say, getting up a bit, Tommy turn and the thing in his hands was the blood mask he made, I realize it and hide under the covers "No wait" Tommy says, he peeks under the covers and I look at him with tears, It seems his eye went back to normal "listen" he says "I don't know what happened but I'm sorry" Tommy hugs me again but this time his arms feel safe, I give into the hug then I hear a gunshot

The bullet barley missed Tommy, me and him turn to see Fundy at the door with a Glock and Alex and Karl behind him with bandages over their left eye "don't touch him" Fundy says "or you'll end up just like that mask" Tommy puts his hands up and starts to cry black acid tears "Don't s..shoot" Tommy says, scared for his life "Why wouldn't we?" Alex says "You almost killed us for a dumb gift or some shit" "We have no choice" Fundy says,He holds up the gun, as he is about to pull the trigger, something clicks in my head, the past memory's of me and Tommy I had before the accident

I remember who shot me but that was beside the point. I couldn't let my best friend die in front of me again. I jump up as soon as Fundy pulls the trigger, Tommy closes his eyes, waiting for the pain but I block the bullet and make Fundy shoot me instead. Tommy looks down at me and golden tears start dripping, he holds me in his arms with his wings wrapped around me ,expanding all the way around us making it impossible for others to see us "No" Tommy says,golden years dripping onto my shirt

Tommy's POV

"I almost killed you" I say,Crying more "I should of died as the punishment" Toby puts his hand on my shoulder "I watched you die before" Toby says "I didn't want to see it again" Toby's eyes start to go white and he starts closing his eyes until their fully closed

I shook him and nudged him to no response. I put my wings down, putting them back to normal size ,I look and see Fundy,Alex and Karl standing at the doorway, Fundy drops the gun in his hand and they crowd around me "Toby?" Fundy says "Tubbs?" Karl says "Friend?" Alex says "Tubbo...?"

(part 2?)

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