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I wake up to Tommy smiling, I was startled so I rammed my horns into him "oww" Tommy says,holding his gut "sorry" I say,the sharp pain happened in my jaw again "we should figure out what this-ow- Pain is" Tommy says, Tommy's Avian ears perk up. Tommy holds my face "open your mouth" Tommy says,looking me dead in my eyes and squinting "what?!" I say,the pain happens again "just do it" Tommy says,squishing my face.I roll my eyes and open my mouth "oh" Tommy says

"uh?" I say,muffled "you have teeth growing from your bottom canine teeth" Tommy says "like Techno and me" Tommy lets me close my mouth and shows me his bottom teeth "woah" I say but now,the pain stopped "wait,I can talk again!!" I say,I hug Tommy. I hear a knock from the kitchen door "while you where asleep" Tommy says as we walk to the door "Puffy,Schlatt and Ranboo are out with Sam and Nihachu" Tommy opens the door and a kid,looks about 10 or 11, Is there,he has hoodie with the hood pink with the bottom green,the main body is purple with a green swirl on it,is left sleeve is a cyan color with the bottom orange and his right is a dark blue with the bottom purple,he has brown hair with floppy ears,and a basket in his hands with a red and white cloth over it

"hi?" I say "hi!" He says,a brown thing starts swaying behind him "I'm guessing he's part dog" I think to myself,Ant hops on my shoulder to investigate "Ah" The boy says,a puff of smoke appears  and the boy is gone,just his basket is there,then I see small blue eyes peek out of the basket,Tommy picks the basket up out of curiosity "i'ma take it" Tommy says,closing the door "the basket belonged to the boy!" I say,trying to stop Tommy "finders keepers" Tommy says,moving me out of the way and going into our room

Tommy tears down the caution tape and sits the basket on his bed "Tommy" I say "what?" Tommy reply's "its not yours" I say,sitting on his bed side,peeking over "and?" He says "so was that fish you found in someones pond" I keep my mouth shut,a small brown dog jumps out of the basket with a smaller version of the boys hoodie, ant jumps onto the bed,grabbing the puppy by the scruff

"Ant,what are you doing" Tommy says as Ant walks out of the door,Ant turns,gives Tommy a glare then walks out the door "he could eat the puppy!" Tommy says "Ant only eats what he is allowed to" I say,patting Tommy's back "I'm going to check!" Tommy says,quickly getting up,Tommy swerves past the door to see the puppy and Ant on the couch,cuddled "The puppy is wet!!" Tommy yells "he was licking him,preparing to eat him!" "he was grooming him" I say,sitting next to Ant and the puppy "its what cats to to bathe their kittens. In this case,this puppy" 

"oh" Tommy says,sitting next to me "I got scared" The puppy turns into the boy who was standing outside,Ant slowly gets up and sits on the armrest of the couch. The boy shakes his head,getting all the water out of his head, "sorry" The boy says "safety call" "a what?" I say, tilting my head "its what I do when I see a threat,but now i know. the cat is very nice" The boy says,smiling "i came here,hoping you guys would help me, I'm being tracked down my these guys" The boy grabs a paper from his hoodie pocket,a wanted paper showing the Sir's "we killed the leader though" I think to myself 

"when was this made,when did you find this" I say,taking the paper out of his hand "yesterday" he says,I look up at him "they said someone killed Sir dream,the leader but somehow he came back" "Fundy was the one who killed him" I turn and say to Tommy "yea,he did" Tommy says "But I don't think it was enough" "is everything okay?" the boy asks "before I say,what is your name" I ask "Karl!" He says,wagging his tail "okay Karl-" I start explaining how he was after me and killed Tommy and how we thought we killed him

"oh" Karl says "was anyone there with him when you left" He asks "Yea,it was my friends Fundy and Ghostbur" I say "I know them!" Karl says "they shouldn't be there" he says "if Sir Dream is still there on the floor,who is saying that he can't come back,and Sir Sapnap and Notfound can turn on them" 

"Who's saying?"

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