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I wonder if they could ever come back "how long has your nightmare been" Karl asks "mine has been for 7 years" "what do you mean,nightmare?" I ask,tilting my head in confusion "how long have you been scared,beaten,kidnapped,killed,etc" Karl says,smiling. I look at him,feeling sorry that his pain has been going on for 7 years "mine has been going on for 2 years" I say,looking down 

"what animal or thing are you guys?" He asks,wagging his tail. I'm guessing Karl is one of the talkative boys "I am a Avian" Tommy says,spreading his wings for a few seconds "and you?" Karl asks,looking at me "a demon-ish ram" I say "Nice!" Karl says,wagging his tail faster as his ears twitch

then a knock is at the door,I go over and open it,as soon as I do,a fox zooms past me and hides behind the couch. "uhm,Hi?" I say,peeking around the couch,closing the door.He turns into a half fox half human "its Fundy?!" I think to myself "why are you here?" I ask "their back,their after me,they want me,they want you" he says,out of breath

"how?!" I ask,trying not to worry to much "I was making sure Nick and George where safe and not bleeding anymore" Fundy starts to explain "Nick said "can I ask a question" and I said sure,then he said "are you safe?" and I was like,I'm pretty sure,but before i could finish,Clay or has he wanted Sir Dream Jumped om my back and tried to choke me,I turned into my fox form and ran,Ghostbur went with me but I lost him halfway here.there on the lose again"

 I hear another knock at the door after Fundy was done explaining,I put my hands over my mouth "go into my room" I whisper to Fundy and Karl "okay" Karl says,they turn into their animal form and run into my room,closing the door behind them and locking it

Ant turned into his human-ish cat form and hid,just in case the person at the door was going to attack me,and Tommy was beside me. I look through the peep hole and see a very worried Wilbur at the door,I open it a tad "Will?" I say "Toby,there is not much time I have"he says in a rushed voice "get everyone in this house,over to Phil's" Wilbur says It very fast then fly's away

"Fundy,Karl!" I yell as Ant comes out of his hiding spot,turns into his cat form,and hops on my shoulder,Karl and Fundy walk out of the room,in their human-ish animal form,with Uno cards "we have to leave this house" I say to them "can we bring the cards?" Karl asks,giving us the puppy eyes

"sure" I say, I walk out the door and start to fly,as I'm in the air,Karl just stands by the door "aren't you coming?" Tommy asks "Well,ya see" Karl says,he turns around and shows tiny wings with brown tops and light brown feathers with the ends torn "got into a puppy ally fight" He laughs 

Ant jumps off my shoulder,turning into his human-ish cat form and picks up Karl "i'll fly him there" Ant says "okay" I say,we make it to Phil's house,safe and sound and knock on the door. Phil opens it "you're okay!" Phil says,picking me up and hugging me "Did Clay hurt you,any bruises,pain marks" Phil worries "I'm fine" I say,he puts me down inside his house as Tommy,Ant,Fundy and Karl walk though the door

"I got news from Sam that Clay,Nick and George did something to you" Phil says ,we start walking to my room "when They killed Tommy" I say " I had to watch it" Phil stops "painful, wasn't it" Phil says,turning around and looking at me "yea" I say "well,he's here now" Phil says, crouching and putting his hand on my shoulder "so we can forget" We walk into my room,Fundy Ant,and Karl turn back to their animal forms 

"you will be staying here till its safe" Phil says "I told Puffy and Schlatt you will be here until its safe to go back" "Haha"  I hear a voice say,I turn and see that Alex followed us "Oh,you scared me" I say "how did you get here?" Tommy asks "I just flew" Alex says "but at one point ,I got tired and clung onto Ant as softly as I could" Ant looked very shocked as he looks at his back,showing a small yellow feather 

"you guys should get to bed" Phil says "goodnight" I say as Fundy and Karl fought over a pillow as Ant layed down on my bed and watched,I layed down and feel asleep but had a feeling,I'm not alone

Tubbo...? (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now