where I'm I chapter 2

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When I opened my eyes I was on grass "where I'm I" i said quietly and when I got up I realized I was on all 4 when I looked on my hand I saw paws I saw a lake or watering hole what every there called I looked in it a I saw my self a a lion "WHAT" I wisperd yelled from dark brown hair, brown eyes, tan skin to brown fur light brown fur on my mouth area and a tuff on my head

When I opened my eyes I was on grass "where I'm I" i said quietly and when I got up I realized I was on all 4 when I looked on my hand I saw paws I saw a lake or watering hole what every there called I looked in it a I saw my self a a lion "WHAT" ...

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I was a lion and i was in a cub body i was 14 in the real world so but lion ages are differnt then humen ages so yeah looked around and noticed I was in the pride lands because I saw pride rock

And if this is the pride lands that means the animals here can talk here which is really weird but what ever i was looking around and then got this question in my head "if I'm here then I'm I at school or did I dispersed from school" then a lion c...

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And if this is the pride lands that means the animals here can talk here which is really weird but what ever i was looking around and then got this question in my head "if I'm here then I'm I at school or did I dispersed from school" then a lion cub that looked around my age with a small main that red and brown golden fur he look a lot like simba but he was a lot younger was walk around like I was in hid because I didn't want to be seen my anyone just yet but I failed on hiding because he saw me
????- hi who are you?
He asked me in a curiously
Emy(me)- I'm Emy
I replied hopping I didn't sound awkward
????- oh hi Emy I'm kion are you new here
He said with kind smile
I nodded
Emy (me)- yes
Kion- okay are you here alone or something
Emy(me)- umm I'm here alone
Kion-how did you get here
He just asked me how I got here what do say? Umm I think I will say I don't know wait no that sounds so dumb what about it don't remember that even worse whatever it will work then he interrupted my thoughts
Kion- Emy
Emy- oh umm I got here I- I don't remember
He looked understand and then asked
Kion- do you want to stay here
I nodded then replied
Kion- oh okay we have to ask the king if you can stay the king is my dad king simba
Emy- the king? Okay
I said nervously hopping he didn't realize I sound nervous which he didn't and the told me to follow him and saw the big Rock that I always wondered how it looked like to be there in person and now I im going to be able I hope
Kion-wait here I'm going to get my dad
And then he climed up the rocks after a bit a lion which look a lot like simba came down I was meeting my childhood favorite king By the way he still my favorite
Simba came down to the rock I was on
Simba- hi Emy
Emy- hi y-your majesty
I said wait why did I Studdard I thought
Simba- do you want to stay here
I nodded
Simba- do you know about the circle of life
Emy- the circle of life uh I think
Kion then interrupt his dad and said
Kion- I can teach her
Simba look at kion and then back at me
Simba- you can stay but first you have to sleep outside pride rock till I Trust you
I nodded and was about to clime down when I saw 2 lioness walk out of the den and the young one named kiara pushed her brother kion a bit
Kion was about to say something Then the queen nala called him and then went she told him something about guard and looked at me I don't know why but I felt nervous when she looked at me but I just ignored it and kept walking down Then kion out of nowhere asked me I if I want to meet his firends I nodded and then took me in to a lair
Kion- this is the lion guard lair
And we walked in I saw cheetah, hippo, egret, and a honey badger
Then the cheetah asked who I was kion stared
Kion- guys this is Emy, Emy this is the lion guard the cheetha fuli and she the fastest , the hippo is Besthe the strongest, the egret is ono the keen of sight, the honey badger is bunga bravest, and I'm kion the leader
Then bunga came up to me and Stared to talk
Bunga- are you from here? You don't look like the other lions here, how did you get here?
Then kion cut him off
Kion- bunga your talking to fast
Fuli- where did you come from I lever seen you before
Emy-I actually got here today
Bunga-how did you get here
Emy- I actually don't think I remember
Bunga- why
I didn't know what how to reply
Emy- I don't know
Kion- you can stay here for now if you want
I nodded and he showed me a place for now and later he was going to show me the place

My thoughts "how did I even get here in the first place and why was I turned in to a lion what going on in school how will I get back this is soo werid and kion Is a lion but fuli is a cheetah aren't lion and cheetah like enemies I don't know what ever how will I get back to the my world" my thoughts were interrupted by a screem I picked ,you head pretty quick the lion guard already left the den I heard them say "Till the pride lands end lion guard defind" i followed them they went up pride rock I followed behind then kion said
Kion- what going on
His voice went from worried to annoyed
Kion- tiffu, zuri what is it
He sounded annoyed
Zuri- our fur is so dry
Then kiara and simba came to see what happend
Kiara- tiffu, Zuri you called the lion guard because your fur is dry
Tiffu nodded
Kion rolled his eyes the rest of the gurad went back in to there lair then simba spoke
Simba- tiffu zuri what did I say about calling the lion guard for no good reason
Both- sorry
They sounded like they didn't mean it and then me and kion went in to the lair And I went in to the area they give me I was lucky they give me a place inside for now I don't like being outside

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