chapter 17 !scars return!

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"I'm going to find out what happening in the out lands and why did I get a bad spirit feeling and I know for a fact that the vulture will not be working with the hyenas" then my thoughts were interrupted by kion
Kion- are you okay
Emy- yeah I'm fine
Then we continue back to the watering hole
Bunga- what Took forever
Emy- he was gone longer
Kion- it wasn't that long
Fuli- I'm going home it getting late
Ono- same
Beshte- yeah me to
They walked away then bunga was just stared to walk to hakuna matata falls before yelling good night Then we both headed back to pride rock and ate dinner and went to sleep or at least I didn't I slowly got up I was going to going check the volcanoe in the out lands even though it midnight I slowly when to the out lands not waking up anyone I finally got to the outlands it looked even more scarier at night but I was going to get to the bottom of this i slowly walked passed by and found the volcanoe in felt a evil spirits even more I slowly went up in the  volcanoe where the hyenas were I saw a fire lion spirt which was scar

I left the volcanoe and then triped on to janja were he was near the border of the outlands Janja- aye watch it wait Emy what you doing in outlandsEmy- nono of your business I was about to run of the he tried to attack me but I managed to kick him...

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I left the volcanoe and then triped on to janja were he was near the border of the outlands
Janja- aye watch it wait Emy what you doing in outlands
Emy- nono of your business
I was about to run of the he tried to attack me but I managed to kick him of me as I ran but he cached up to me and told me that he going to tell scar that I knew and then he left I walked to pride rock in didn't enter but layed down outside but it was cold so I went in slowly layed down in my spot inside priderock in the Royal Den but i could stop see scars in the fire "how is scar alive isn't he supposed to be die how can I tell anyone after all simba told me I can't go to the outlands it was a rule for all the Lions in his pride" i felt fear rise in my bones I couldn't sleep "why didn't I just wait till the morning" i asked my self every time I closed eyes I saw scar in my Vision then I slowly stand up looked around noticed that both kiara and kion where near there mother AKA Nala and there was enough space for me to crawld and sleep into someones paws I slowly went to simba since there was the most space near him I curled up in a ball and stuffed my faces into his mane and finally fell asleep
Emy nightmare
🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾 🐾
Scar-oh Emy you decide to come when you weren't allowed what a Rebel you are
Emy- what how I'm I here
Scar- so I can end the you so what you know won't go out
Emy- y-you c-cant d-do t-th-that
I said trying to hide that I'm scared
Scar- oh yes it can
And then his fire surround me I felt it heat on me and he shovel me in to the fire it burned then every went black
🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾END of dream
My eyes shot open out of fear I still was in simba's paws or embrace what you call it he looked like he was wake because I felt his paw slowly stroke my back I think I might have woke him up but dose know I'm wake I think he dose
Simba- you okay
He wisperd I'm ear he knows Im wake
Emy- I'm okay sorry I woke you up
I wisperd back
Simba- it okay, why did you wake up so quickly with hevey breath
Emy- bad dream
I replied he nodded
Simba- you woke up right before the sunset want to see the sunset with me
He asked trying to get my mind of the dream I think then I nodded a yes and then he got up I followed him out and we went to the edge of pride rock to see the sunset
Simba- do you want to talk about your bad dream
He asked me calmly I shock my head no he nodded okay
Simba- what did you want to see yesterday at the volcanoe
Emy- it nothing
I said wishing I waited till morning till he asked but stupid me didn't
Simba- okay if you change your mind you can tell me
Emy- okay
Then the sunset stared to rise
Emy- the sunset it so pretty

I left the volcanoe and then triped on to janja were he was near the border of the outlands Janja- aye watch it wait Emy what you doing in outlandsEmy- nono of your business I was about to run of the he tried to attack me but I managed to kick him...

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Simba- I know
Then the rest of the lionness and the Royal family woke up i saw kion and went to him
Emy- morning sleepyhead this time I woke up before
Kion- you literally woke up before the sun also I woke up before you and dad
Emy- yeah you were dreaming that why
Simba- Emy is that why you woke up so early to bet kion
Emy- yup
Then kion rolled his eye and i rolled my back
Kiara- I can't tell if you to are firends or siblings that hate each other
emy- both
Kion- both
Kiara- your both like friend related thingy
Emy- isn't that what best firends thing is called or something like that?

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