Chapter 65

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*This is it, the last chapter! Thank you all so much for your support. I really enjoyed writing this story and I hope you enjoyed the journey as well! These may be difficult times, but always remember to keep enduring and never give up :) *

Chapter 65: The Return

As they approached the gates of the Hidden Leaf, Sakura caught her breath. "Sasuke, is this real?" she asked, grabbing his cloak. Sarada stirred in her arm on sensing her mother's surprise.

"Tch. That baka," Sasuke turned away. He blushed a little at the sight before them though.

Before them was a humungous banner across the entryway that read, Welcome Home Sasuke and Sakura. It was decorated with cherry blossom petals and Uchiha Clan symbols, as well as the names of the nine rookies they grew up with.

"I...I can't believe it" Sakura gasped.

"Hey, you both look shocked! I told Hinata this would be a great idea!" Naruto waved eagerly from the entrance.

A tear formed in Sakura's eye on seeing the gathering before them. Tsunade stood with her hands on her hips, smiling brightly in the center of the crowd with Kakashi at her side. Ino and Sai stood eagerly by Naruto. Their old teammate was grinning widely next to Hinata who held a tiny blonde baby in her arms.

Sasuke reached out and grabbed Sakura's free hand. This was the start of their new life. Their daughter would grow up here amongst their friends and comrades. Even if he wasn't there the whole time, he had no doubt that his wife and child would be safe.

Together they walked ahead until they came to the threshold for the village. They stepped across, finally returning home at last.

"Welcome home, Sarada" Sakura cooed, holding her daughter close.

Sasuke smiled gently on seeing his wife so at peace. All of the trauma and pain they experienced during their lives seemed to disappear. So long as Sarada was in their lives, he knew they would be truly happy. She was what brought their family together, and connected their feelings even further than the bonds of husband and wife. She was...both of them were...everything to him.

"You look so uncool, Sasuke" Naruto chuckled and wrapped his arm around his friend.

"Argh, get off" Sasuke groaned.

"Now, now, let's give them some space" Kakashi clapped his hands. He walked over to them with a smile. "Welcome home you two."

Sasuke turned away before his emotions could get the better of him. "It's good to be home" he muttered.

Sakura smiled at her husband. He was still so awkward during moments like these. Glancing back towards Kakashi and Tsunade, she turned her daughter's sleepy figure towards them. "Meet your uncle Kakashi and auntie Tsunade."

Sarada blinked her big dark eyes and reached out towards them.

"So this is Sarada? She's so tiny." Kakashi reached his hand towards her.

Turning back however, Tsuande made way for two quickly approaching figures.

"Sakura!" her parents ran towards them at breakneck speed. "Our baby's finally home!" they cried.

They wrapped their daughter in a tight hug. She tried to escape and keep them from crowding Sarada even so. "Mom, Dad, you're crushing us," Sakura gasped.

"Oh, sorry, sorry" her mom stepped back, pulling her dad along with her. "We're just so happy to see you."

"It's been too long, kiddo" her dad patted her head.

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