Chapter 33

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 Behind the Mask

Sakura and Sasuke knocked on the door to the Hokage's office.

"Come in" a familiar voice responded. "Oh, hello you two. Enjoying post-engagement bliss?"

Sakura blushed.

"Kakashi, we need to talk" Sasuke indicated with a serious tone.

"Let me guess, you're worried about the guest list? I know you better than you think, Sasuke" Kakashi sighed.

Sakura glanced up at him, scowling. "Is that what was troubling you earlier? I knew there was something on your mind. Why didn't you just tell me in the first place?"

"I don't really see how this involves me, so if you'll excuse me..." Kakashi stood, preparing to leave.

"No, stay Kakashi, this involves the village too."

"The village?" Sakura looked at him quizzically.

Sasuke sighed. "Yes, it involves the safety of the village. Look Sakura, I know you probably want a big ceremony like Naruto was suggesting, but considering my visual prowess and our enemies, I think we'd better lay low. I'm sorry, I'm sure that's not what you wanted."

"Sasuke," she said, taking his hand. "I never said I wanted a big ceremony. We can elope for all I care. I just want to be with you. Haven't you got that through your thick skull yet? I feel the same as you! No matter what, I will also love you always." She smiled. "And if you ever think otherwise, I won't hesitate to knock some sense into you" she clenched her fist.

"Alright, alright," Sasuke chuckled, putting his hands in the air.

Kakashi smiled. "I see you two are as feisty as ever. And if you ever need advice in the romance department..." he pulled out Make-Out Paradise.

"As if!" Sakura yelled, turning her anger on her sensei.

"Just a suggestion" Kakashi chuckled nervously. "Anyways, that aside, I think you two have the right idea with your plans." He turned towards the window. "With Sasuke's visual prowess as a target, notifying too many people could be a problem. The difficulty is in deciding who will attend."

"Does anyone have to?" Sasuke groaned in frustration.

"W-well everything aside, I might like to have Naruto and my parents there at the very least...and Kakashi sensei of course."

"You can take some time to think about it at least. It doesn't need to be right now, does it?" Kakashi asked.

"I guess so" Sakura commented.

"Kakashi," Sasuke piped up. "Could I speak to you alone for a moment?" He turned to his fiancée.

Sakura took the hint and told them she'd see them later.

"By the way, congratulations to you both" Kakashi smiled as she approached the door.

She gave him a nod and left swiftly.

"K-Kakashi" Sasuke stammered once the door closed. "There's something I want to ask you."

"Oh?" his sensei sat back in his office chair and clasped his hands. "What's this? Do you need advice on romance after all?"

"No. Actually, it's something more serious." He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "You see, during my redemption journey I thought a lot about my bonds and how I felt about my comrades in the Leaf. Even though I've done so many terrible things to our squad; you, Naruto, and Sakura have always stayed by my side. I'll never be able to fully express how grateful I am to all of you for that. But Kakashi, you always tried to support me and even helped me to propose to Sakura. Without you, I may not be standing here asking you once again for your help. You don't have to say yes to my requests of course, but I did wonder would you first, be our officiant? And second...would you stand in at the wedding...for my father?" He shut his eyes tightly, waiting for Kakashi to tell him he'd never do it in a million years.

He opened his eyes in shock, as he felt a hand on his shoulder. "Of course, Sasuke. It would be my honor both as Hokage, and as your pseudo-guardian" Kakashi smiled.

Sasuke turned away as tears brimmed in his eyes. "Uh, thanks. I should go" he said, turning towards the door.

"Sasuke?" Kakashi said before he left. "I'll be there for you should you need anything. Despite the circumstances, I'll do my best to support you and Sakura from here on out."

Sasuke nodded and left quickly after hearing Kakashi's words. Before anyone could see him, he teleported to the third battle training grounds where Team 7 had their first mission.

Tears streamed down his face as he walked past the three posts and headed towards the Memorial Stone for fallen shinobi. If only Itachi were here. He wanted his brother to see the bonds he'd made and to support him as he re-established the Uchiha Clan and joined a new family as well. Kakashi, Naruto, and the others were all so kind and forgiving of his mistakes. He wanted his brother to see all of it...but that wasn't possible now.

"I-Itachi" his voice shook. "I...I'm getting married." He paused and took a deep breath, trying to quell his emotions as the sun began to set in the background. He traced the outline of the Leaf symbol on the stone. "I found a woman I love and cherish more than anything else in the world. I feel as though, I've finally found out what it means to be a family, what it means to be a brother, and...what it means to be in love. It's funny, it feels so natural and yet strange at the same time to say it out loud. I just hope I can make Sakura happy more than anything else. Honestly, I still don't know how she's stayed with me after all this time. She's the strongest and kindest woman I've ever met. And I know now that she still loves me too. I can see it in her eyes when she smiles or when she looks up at me with those bright green eyes. I wonder, did you ever have anyone like that?" his voice caught again, just thinking about all of the opportunities his brother missed. "I-I just wish you were here, brother. I know Kakashi is going to stand in as my father but still...m-more than anything, I-I just wanted you to be there." As the sky darkened, he sat by the stone, sobbing softly in the night.

"Sasuke?" a voice called out in the distance.

He looked up, quickly brushing away his tears. "What do you want, Sakura?" he quipped. Why did it have to be her at a time like this? He didn't want her to see him so weak again. It seemed like that was all she ever saw these days.

"Oh, Sasuke" Sakura wrapped her arms around him. "It's okay. I know this must be really painful for you without your brother here. You act so tough all the time, putting on a brave face for others, but you can let your true feelings out around me. That's what it means to support one another after all."

For once, he took her advice, leaning on her for support as the moon rose high in the sky. She brought him comfort and warmth, melting the icy grip on his heart. She held him close, refusing to let go as his tears fell onto her shoulder.

Then, sitting back, he gave her a grateful smile and turned back to the stone. "I-Itachi, this...this person beside me is the woman I'm going to marry, Sakura Haruno. She's got a strange and intense family, but honestly, I can't wait to become a part of it, and...I can't wait for her to become a part of ours either. No matter where our journey's lead. I want her to stay by my side forever."

The two of them paid their respects and stood, heading towards a brighter future together.

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