Chapter 45

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 Winter Wind

Sakura meditated in her room, focusing on her chakra and trying to balance it efficiently. Lately, she needed the Hundred Healings Seal to perform any Jutsu. Since the baby was taking some of her stores, it was harder to control her output. Still, with diligence, she could perform first aid now. But it still wasn't enough. She needed more strength to be of use to her husband. If she wanted to go on missions with him again, she needed to work harder. Come on kid, don't take so much. I know you're an Uchiha but still! She released her hands and gasped for breath. It's still not enough. What more do I need to do? She wondered.

There was a tap on the windowsill. She turned and found a hawk. Sasuke? She rushed to let it inside and removed the note from its leg. Her heart sank a little when she saw it was from the Leaf instead of her husband though. Still, she was happy to get news from her comrades.

Dear Sakura,

It's been too long! Why don't you or Sasuke ever write?! Anyway, we have some exciting news. The details of Shikamaru and Temari's wedding have been set! I've enclosed the invitation. I don't care if you're on a top-secret mission, I want to see you both there! It's during the holidays too, so you'll be able to take a break at least. Right? I hear it's going to be a big ordeal too since she's basically a princess. Ack! I can't wait! Sai and I are gleaning some ideas from them, but I think we're going to wait until you and Sasuke get home for that. I want you to be my maid of honor after all! We can work out the details later. Anyway, I hope to hear from you soon!



Sakura clutched the letter to her chest. Ino, thank you, she thought. On this journey, it was easy to forget that they still had a home in the Leaf. It felt like a distant land right now, but it was also her home, where her family and friends were. She laid a hand on her abdomen. It was also where she wanted to raise her child with her husband. She got butterflies just thinking about it.

She glanced out the window of the inn and let Sasuke's hawk fly back out into the cold November air. She took a deep breath. It seemed like the first snowfall would be appearing shortly as they got closer to the Land of Snow. Exhaling, she wondered where her husband was at this moment. Lately, he was leaving for longer periods of time on Naruto's request. She didn't feel lonely though. She knew that Sasuke would always find his way back to her no matter where he was. Still, she didn't like feeling so helpless all the time. She was pregnant, not weak after all.

She clenched her teeth, there was no way she would let herself fall behind her husband in skill level. Not when she was so close. She weaved some hand signs and focused her chakra. "Fire Style: Fire Release," she said, closing her eyes and extending her palm out the window. I won't let myself watch Sasuke's back, instead, I'll stand by his side. That's my ninja way! She thought as her Will of Fire materialized in her Jutsu. She peeked her eyes open, nervously. She gasped as a small ball of flame appeared in her hand. It was tiny, but it was there. She laughed with relief. Finally, she could balance her chakra just enough for this ninjutsu. It wasn't a massive fireball, but it was a start. Quickly extinguishing the flames, she tried something else. Placing one palm over the other she activated her medical ninjutsu. A warm green light appeared over her hands, stronger than before. She almost cried on seeing her progress. She was finally ready.

Stretching, she prepared her ninja gear. She would walk beside her husband on their next mission, no matter what. She reached for her belt and attempted to wrap it around her waist. Why is it so tight? she thought, going over to the mirror to see what was wrong. She turned to the side and stared into the mirror, frozen. Could it be? She placed a hand on her abdomen. Her eyes widened as she felt butterflies again. Tears built up in her eyes on recognition.

Smiling, she glanced out the window as the first flakes of the year began to fall softly onto the ground. She quickly grabbed her cloak and shoes, before heading outside. She didn't want to miss a single moment of this experience.

"Ms. Uchiha where are you going? Please be careful, it's cold outside!" the hostess called after her.

Sakura didn't hear them though, as she raced outside. She listened as the snow crunched softly underfoot. Walking along, she went to the clearing beyond the inn. It was a small space surrounded by evergreen trees. Its beauty was overwhelming as flakes landed softly on the branches. She sensed the baby liked the winter too. It was heartwarming to think that they'd be in her arms in the spring. This was a real person. It was hard to believe at times, but it was true. She knew now that an actual life was forming inside her. This baby was the result of her love and bond with Sasuke. Her tears spilled over as she knew in her heart that her dream to be with him had come true. This child was proof of their connection.

"Sakura!" a voice called out in the clearing. He saw her standing like an angel, looking up at the sky, her hands outstretched, catching the snow as it fell. Then she turned to him slowly with her soft pink hair blowing in the breeze like the coming of spring.

"Sasuke? I thought you weren't coming home till this evening," she exclaimed with a stunned expression.

"Sakura" he gasped at her beauty before seeing the tears in her eyes. He stepped closer to her, worriedly. "I got a message an hour ago saying that you'd left the inn with no explanation. I teleported back as fast as I could. Are you ok? What's wrong? Who made you cry? Are you hurt? Who did this to you?" he asked in a flurry. He cupped her face as he glanced around the area aggressively, trying to find the culprit who put his wife in danger.

Sakura laughed, throwing her arms around him. "You came back just in time, Anata!"

"Sakura, what-?"

She smiled softly and opened her cloak slightly. She took his hand and placed it on her abdomen.

As she felt the butterflies in her stomach again, Sasuke's eyes widened. A soft smile broke on his face as he glanced at his wife's serene expression. He stepped closer, wiping her tears with his thumb. He looked into her sparkling green eyes, reflecting the small flakes around her. Leaning in, he wrapped his arm around her and kissed her softly.

They stood together in that moment as snow fell around them, decorating the trees and valley in a blanket of white. Despite the harsh cold of winter, their child brought them hope and warmth for the coming spring.

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