Chapter 37

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Haruno and Uchiha

The big day finally arrived on a bright August morning. Sakura looked out the window in her parents' house, smiling as dawn broke over the village. She looked at her closet and saw a long white kimono hanging on the door, its embroidery, and the Uchiha crest, hand-made by her mother. She brushed her hand across the silk. Today all her dreams would come true. She brushed away a silent tear as she looked around her old room for what felt like the last time.

There was a knock on the door. "It's me! Are you ready?" Ino's voice called out excitedly.

"So early, why is it so noisy?" her father's voice groaned.

"Come on Anata, it's our daughter's wedding! Show a little more enthusiasm!" Her mother chimed.

Sakura smiled, fixing her hair, and pulling her robe across snuggly before letting them in.

Ino clambered in like a herd of elephants. She and her mother attacked with full force as they fought over her hair and makeup.

"Bolder!" Ino demanded.

"Softer!" her mother insisted.

Sakura looked pleadingly towards her dad who was laughing with his hands held up in surrender. She pouted as the women propped her in front of the mirror and pampered her. She wasn't used to this treatment and didn't like being the center of attention. Still, she was happy that she had so many people she could rely on for this special day.

"Sakura, when did your hair get so long again?" Ino asked, running her hand through the pink strands.

She looked to the side. She hadn't cut it since Sasuke returned after his redemption journey. It was hard to believe that was a few months ago now. She smiled, running her fingers through her hair.

"Did you grow it out for Sasuke?" Ino asked with a mischievous smile.

Sakura blushed looking down as her mom and Ino took over. She still remembered the day she decided to grow it out.


Sakura ran through the path filled with spring blossoms. It might have been pretty if she weren't trying to escape. She looked behind her as the group chased after her. She wasn't going to make it; she wasn't fast enough. Her foot hit a rock and she fell face-first onto the ground. The footsteps became louder and stopped before her. A sense of dread came over her as she waited for the attack, helplessly.

"Well, well, look at miss billboard brow down in the dirt. What do you think girls? Should we give her a haircut fit for such an ugly child?" the leader snickered.

"No, please!" Sakura pleaded.

"Shut up. You thought you could run from us, didn't you?! We'll make sure you never defy us again!" The leader of the group sat on her back, pinning her down, and pulled at her hair, while the other girls laughed and watched.

"Ow! No, stop it!" Sakura cried.

"Hope you're ready for the world's worst haircut!"

Sakura heard the chink of a kunai as the leader prepared to strike. She shut her eyes tightly. Someone, please help me.

Footsteps rapidly approached and the girls screamed. The weight left Sakura's back and she turned to see what was going on. Her eyes widened as she saw a dark figure approaching.

It was a boy with spiky black hair and a deathly cold expression. He tossed a rock in the palm of his hand. "What do you think you're doing? Try picking on someone your own size" he argued bluntly.

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