Chapter 21

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Journey to the Leaf

Sasuke slowly pulled away from Sakura, feeling a little embarrassed by his outpouring of emotions.

Sakura looked up at him with a concerned expression, as if trying desperately to find a way to help ease his pain.

"Don't make such a sad face" he smiled gently at her. 

"Sasuke, I'm sorry for making you worry so much. I just wanted to show you that you could rely on Team 7. Instead, I just made more trouble for you."

"Hey" he stopped her. "Didn't I tell you once before?" He kissed her forehead. "No matter what I will love you always."

Sakura blushed and smiled.

Sasuke pulled back and looked at the empty pathway. "It seems the others left without us. Shall we head out?"

"Right" Sakura agreed, walking beside him.

Sasuke tried to awaken his visual prowess to teleport them but was surprised when it wouldn't reactivate. He tried again, nothing! Was it the remnants of the poison? Damn it! Why couldn't he do anything right lately?

Seeing him struggle, Sakura cautiously summoned her chakra. "Let me take a look" she indicated. She closed her eyes and placed her hand against his forehead.

"No way" she gasped, her eyes widening. "You were poisoned, Sasuke?"

He looked away. He hated causing her more distress. How could he be the right man for her when he was like this? She'd almost died because of him, after all.

"Sit down, right now!" Sakura demanded. "It doesn't seem like there's too much in your system, thankfully. I should be able to extract most of it. Still, you won't have the same chakra reserves for a little while."

Sasuke tried to protest, but saw the look in her eyes and gave in. If she could restore his chakra enough for him to reactivate the Sharingan then so be it.

Sakura wiped her brow as she extracted the poison. She could see the look of pain on his face as she removed it from his cells. It was hard to locate due to its undetectable gaseous state, but she managed to get the last drop out swiftly. She was grateful that she had the Mitotic Regeneration abilities when she was subjected to it. Otherwise, she wouldn't be able to heal him as she was now.

"Sakura, I'm fine" Sasuke said, standing slowly. He winced as he did.

Sakura felt his pain in her own soul. "Be careful and don't overdo it" she said, steadying him. "You're not at full capacity yet, so no teleportation for the time being."

Sasuke groaned. This was so frustrating! Still, it couldn't be helped. He could feel the strain on his body with every movement he made. He'd just have to make do. "Let's go," he said shortly, jumping into the trees.

Sakura frowned at him, wondering if he was really okay. She'd lost so many patients to this poison; she couldn't bear it if he was another. She shook her head. She wouldn't let it get that far. No way! Shannaro! She ran after him.


They tracked Naruto and Karin's movement through the forest. It seemed they got further ahead than they thought.

"What about your other teammates?" Sakura asked as they flew through the trees.

"Suigetsu and Juugo. They have a way of finding me when I need them."

Sakura looked away, anxiously. "So, if we're going to be joining forces...could you tell me a little bit about them?" She bit her lip, wondering if she'd gone too far inquiring into his past.

Sasuke nodded. "Team Taka worked for Orochimaru when I met them. All of them, save for me, still do. Of course, I never approved of Orochimaru's methods and merely saw them as a means to an end in the past. I chose this team for their impressive and specialized skill set." He paused for a moment before continuing. "Karin is actually related to Naruto. She is of the Uzumaki clan and is a skilled sensor and healer. Without, you get the idea."

"I remember, I talked to her a bit when we were back in the Hidden Leaf and again after I defeated one of the Akai Hebi."

Sasuke smiled, acknowledging her strength. He turned away after though, gauging her response. If she talked to Karin, did she know how she felt as well?

Sakura paused but smiled at him. She knew the depth of Sasuke's love and that bonds came in all shapes and sizes.

He smirked in understanding, then continued. "Suigetsu was an experiment of Orochimaru's and his brother, Mangetsu was one of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist. He has the ability to become water itself."

"Mangetsu, eh? I think we fought him in the war when there were reanimated shinobi, actually."

"Lastly, Juugo" Sasuke continued. "He's a lot like me actually. He had the curse mark placed on him by Orochimaru and followed Kimimaru who was the only one who could keep his violent impulses under control. I took over that role when I asked him to join me. Despite taking on qualities of the curse mark, however, he also converses with animals which makes him useful in gathering intel."

"I see, the curse mark. That brings back a lot of memories" Sakura sighed, reliving the terrible moment when Orochimaru placed one on Sasuke. Still, despite its consequences, it brought them together in an odd way. After that incident in the Forest of Death, she felt like she became a stronger ninja. She felt she understood Sasuke in a way no one else could.

Sasuke thought back to that moment too. He'd caused Sakura nothing but pain over the past number of years. Even when they were kids, he still made trouble for her. So, why would she... "Sakura-" he started.

"Anyways, I guess everyone in Team Taka is incredibly strong" she commented, quickly changing the subject.

Sasuke sighed, his question would have to wait till later. "They are all strong, there's no doubt" he replied. "However, not even they could quell the darkness in my heart. You and Naruto are the only ones who could truly bring light into my life." He smiled, trying to reassure her.

Sakura smiled melancholically. If they were all so incredible, and Naruto too, then where did that leave her? No matter what she did, it seemed that she was still watching their backs. She thought she'd gotten stronger during the war, but now she was starting to wonder again. What role did she have in Sasuke's life? Was she just the woman he loved and nothing more?

Before she could ask him about it, they caught up with Naruto and Team Taka. They were waiting for them on the outskirts of the village.

"What took you so long?" Naruto asked.

"We figured if the Akai Hebi was targeting Sakura and Tsunade, their next target would be the Leaf. I haven't sensed any strange chakra yet, but I'm sure that it's only a matter of time" Karin indicated.

"Please tell me you're not going to end up on a rampage again like Juugo here."

"I'm sorry, Suigetsu. I'm fine now" Sasuke turned to him.

Suigetsu looked from him to Sakura. "So, you ditched Karin after all, did you?" he smirked.

Sasuke thought Karin would hit him, but she simply turned around. "We'd better get going. They'll be here soon, and we need to be ready."

Naruto gave Suigetsu a sharp look. He really didn't like these guys. They were so cold and callous.

"Right. Juugo, what's our status?" Sasuke asked.

"The birds aren't indicating any strange presence yet."

"Right. Let's head into the village and protect Granny Tsunade!" Naruto said, going full steam ahead. He stopped and turned around when he didn't hear footsteps behind him.

"Let's go," Sasuke said, walking forward. The others followed suit.

"Oh, come on, who made him the leader?! I'm the one who wants to be Hokage" Naruto grumbled.

They walked towards the village entrance, ready to protect the Leaf at any cost. 

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