Chapter 10

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Sakura looked on concernedly, as Kakashi brought Sasuke in and laid him on the couch. His expression was still one of distress and his face was red with the fever.

"Honestly, he's always causing me so much trouble. Why can't he just accept my help for once?" she huffed.

Kakashi smiled back at her. "You know Sasuke, his pride tends to get the better of him at times. He, like many of the Uchiha, has a difficult time expressing his emotions. Give it time though. After all, you care for one another, right?"

"Well, I care for him" she grumbled.

"I think he'll come around sooner than you think," Kakashi said with a wink. "When he approached me this evening, he looked like he'd just killed someone. I was really worried about him. I thought I might have to get Naruto."

Sakura looked down. She hoped it wasn't too late to stop him from going back to the darkness.

Kakashi held up a finger before she could say anything. "What he said gave me hope, though. In his half-delirious state with the fever, he told me to protect you at all costs. He insisted that I guard you with my life, in fact." He chuckled, remembering how the great Sasuke Uchiha showed so much emotion as he said those words. He'd probably deny it ever happened once he woke up. Still, Kakashi thought it made him stronger rather than weaker.

Sakura smiled down at Sasuke who was still sound asleep on her couch. "You dummmy" she chuckled.

Kakashi stood. "Well, I'd better get back to the Hokage's office. So long," he gave a slight wave and disappeared in a puff of smoke.

Sakura rolled her eyes, her sensei always disappeared, leaving her to resolve things. Still, she blushed with the recognition that she was all alone with Sasuke now. His expression was still pained, as though he were having a nightmare. Oh, Sasuke, she thought. What am I going to do with you? She closed her eyes and channeled her chakra. She placed a palm on his forehead, quelling the fever until it subsided. She figured it was stress-induced rather than a cold or flu. As his temperature dropped, his expression eased and became softer. She sighed and wiped the sweat off her brow before standing again.

She looked over at the broken table and vegetables all over the floor. Shannaro! This was going to be tough to clean up. She noticed a couple of tomatoes still on the counter though and got an idea. She smiled, she hoped Sasuke liked tomato soup.

An hour later, Sasuke opened his eyes wearily. Where was he? He remembered going to find Kakashi after Sakura...Damn it! He cringed, remembering how he told Sakura she was annoying...again. She must hate him now. Still, perhaps it was for the best. He was no good for her anyway. If his darkness wreaked havoc again, he couldn't bear to hurt anyone else.

He sat up, preparing to find somewhere else to stay when a familiar scent wafted through the air. It was his mother's home cooking, the tomato soup she used to make when he was a child! He stood up quickly, a little too quickly. The world spun again, but something caught him. He glanced over his shoulder. Sakura? What was she doing here?

"Take it easy, you're not totally recovered yet" she smiled, easing him back onto the couch.

"Sakura, what am I-?" I mean, what are you-?" he stammered.

"Kakashi carried you here after you passed out" Sakura explained. "We were all worried about you. Just rest for now and I'll bring you something to eat" she smiled, leaving him on the couch.

He watched as she rummaged through the kitchen. Did she really do all of this for him? It looked like he caused her and everyone else trouble again. He took a deep breath and stood, more slowly this time, grabbing the side of the couch for support. Once the room steadied, he made his way over to her.

"Sakura" he breathed, standing behind her. He rested his head on her shoulder as she stirred the pot of tomato soup. "Thank you...for everything. And I'm sorry I caused you so much trouble again today."

Sakura smiled softly. "You idiot. When are you going to realize, you can't get rid of me that easily? After all, I know you a lot better than you think."

Sasuke turned her around and smiled. "Thank you, Sakura. I think I finally understand." She was the one thing that filled his lonely existence with the emotion called love. He refused to let that go. Just as she never gave up on him after all this time, he'd never give up on her. He reached his hand up to caress her face and kissed her forehead gently. 

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