nyctophilic. 17

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As the evening progressed, Jia kept hearing a reoccurring ringing in her ear. Brushing it off, she figured it was nothing. Renjun began to pick up on the irritation it was causing her but waited until they would head up to their room to sleep to ask questions.

Heading up the stairs with a pounding headache and water bottle in her hand, Jia let out a sigh. The ringing kept going and her head hurt like hell. "You good? I keep seeing that something is bothering you." Renjun walked into the room, closing the door. "Yeah I'm fine. I just have a massive migraine." Jia sighed, falling back on her bed with a loud thump.

Renjun didn't say anything else, instead making his way to the bathroom to freshen up before bed. As the sink began running, Jia closed her eyes.

"I feel your heartbeat."

"Did you say something?" Jia opened her eyes, peering towards the bathroom at Renjun. He looked over to Jia quizzically, shaking his head no. Jia was confused but brushed it off nonetheless. When she heard nothing else, she decided to freshen up and get into bed. Laying down and pulling the duvet over her body, she looked up at the ceiling. Renjun was in the other twin bed with a book in his hand. Jia was slowly growing more and more tired by the second, her eyes beginning to feel heavy.

"See you soon."

"Hm?" Jia asked, looking over to Renjun half asleep. "Hm?" He hummed back, looking back at her. "Didn't you say something?" She asked tiredly. "No?" He questioned. "I must be hearing things.. well goodnight love." Jia gave a lazy smile before rolling over and closing her eyes. Renjun froze at the nickname, not knowing how to react. Instead, he simply shut his book, set it on the nightstand and turned out the light. Hearing her soft snores from a few feet away, Renjun tucked himself under his duvet and muttered a couple words before also falling asleep. "Sweet dreams, darling."

As the clock struck 3:33am, Jias eyes shot open. Instead of being in her bed, she was somewhere else. Somewhere she didn't recognize. She sat up on the black couch she had previously been laying on and scanned the room. On instinct, her fangs snapped out as she looked around the unfamiliar space. "Your heartbeat sounds funny, it's like a drum." A voice called. "I tried telling you earlier that I could hear it, but I guess you didn't hear me." The voice added. Suddenly, a girl stepped out into Jias vision. "Hi, my name is Lust, one of the seven deadly sins." She smiled.

Lust stood before Jia, her pink hair matching the rest of her which was decked in different shades of pink and red. "I'm.. Jia." Jia hesitated to respond. "Lovely to meet you Jia. I've heard so much about you." Lust outstretched her hand to Jia. Jia shook her hand, noticing how Lust had baby pink colored skin. She wondered if the other deadly sins looked like Lust too.

"Lulu! Is she up yet?" Another girl wandered into the room. She had beautiful dark brown hair, her skin tan while her outfit was a range of caramel colors to neutral beiges. A toothpick hung out of the side of her mouth, her dark brown heels clicking along the floor as she walked towards them. "Ah, hello Jia. My name is Gluttony, another deadly sin. You can call me Gigi for short though." She introduced herself. "Hello. Do either of you mind telling me why I'm here?" Jia asked. "Oh of course! Let's get you introduced to the others and we will get right to the point of you being here." Lust spoke.

"Sloth, envy, greed, wrath! Get out here and meet our guest!" Lust hollered. One by one, each girl emerged and stood in front of Jia.

Sloth came in wearing comfortable looking baggy clothing. Everything about her was a light shade of blue. Her hair resembled the color of the sky while her skin was light as cotton candy. "Nice to meet you, i'm sloth." She yawned.

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