nyctophilic. 7

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Soon enough, a couple days passed by and it was currently just another sleepless night for Jia. She tossed and turned in her duvet but for some reason just couldn't fall asleep. Something didn't feel right, maybe it was the eerie silence or how dark her room seemed to be that night, only a small bit of moonlight peering through her curtains.

With a huff of annoyance, she rolled to her side and looked at her clock that was perched on her nightstand. 2:59am. Her eyes narrowed, something clicking that this was no coincidence. On immediate alert, she sat up in her bed right as the clock hit 3:00am. Her heart felt like it was palpitating. Jia tried to control her labored breaths as her eyes darted around the room in defense.

On her desk across the room, her lamp turned on. With wide eyes she concealed a scream while panicking inside. "Holy sweet mother of everything good." Her voice was a mere whisper as her lamp abruptly turned off and the lightbulb inside shattered. Just then, her bedroom door flew open but then slammed shut. Jia reacted pretty fiercely to the jump scare, screaming and throwing herself out of her bed and landing onto the cold wood floor.

Scrambling up from her spot on the floor, her eyes locked onto a shadowy figure in the corner of her room that disappeared nearly immediately after she saw it. "What the fuck is happening?" She uttered. Her closet door flung itself open with enough force to nearly knock it off its hinges, her clothes flying out and around everywhere. Items from the girls desk and bookshelf began flying around and being flung across the room. To avoid the crossfire, she fell to the floor screaming while covering her head with her arms. Objects were flying at alarming speeds and some of her breakable items were shattering against the walls they were thrown against.

"Help! Help me!" Jia screamed out, tears forming in her eyes as her stomach began to churn. She felt sick to her stomach. She resorted to letting out the most blood curdling scream she could manage, genuine fear coming through. It was as if her family couldn't even hear her. They were only a couple doors down and she then realized, they can't see demons or demonic activity. They couldn't hear her screams either. Her mind raced as she panicked. She had to think of something and she needed to do it quick. Feeling bile rise in her throat she coughed out, nausea taking her over. "Renjun! Renjun help me!" She shrieked out into the air, hoping he could hear her. "Renjun please!" She cried out again.

Renjun was simply sat in the living room of the seven demons shared home in hell when he felt a sharp pain in his back. Whenever a demon was being summoned, their wings began to feel a bit like pins and needles. "Sweet fuck, what the hell?" He sat up abruptly, rubbing his back as best he could. "What's wrong?" Chenle asked. "Someone's trying to summon me-" He was cut off by his eyes turning completely white, hearing Jias screams and calls of his name. He zoned back to reality, confused as ever. The other six boys were looking at him equally as confused. "It's Jia." He muttered.

Without hesitation, he got up and rushed out the door. His wings flew out past his shoulders and with a snap of his fingers he teleported right to Jias front door. He grunted in frustration, teleporting past the door and into room after room in the house until he was in front of Jias door. As if Jia felt his presence near, she couldn't help but become even more petrified. "Renjun!" She shrieked our again. He ripped the door open, some burst of anger flowing through him, his powers accidentally showing as his hand rested on the doorknob that he was melting with his heat.

As soon as Renjun stepped into the room, everything flying around immediately froze and dropped to the floor. Jia looked up and her eyes frantically lapped around every inch of the room in utter fear. She was in shock, trying to form a coherent sentence but she couldn't. "Jia?" He spoke devilishly as he stepped over the contents of her bedroom strewn all over the floor. "What the fuck was that?" She abruptly yelled out. Renjun definitely sensed something. He could tell they weren't alone in the room. "Don't move." He held his hand up at her as he looked around. "I would say you are scaring me but i'm already on the verge of passing out." She muttered.

Renjun finally figured out what it was he was sensing. His eyes narrowed, "Jia, you have to be absolutely silent for a minute. If you make any sound you will die." He warned as he hunted the entity down. Walking to the other side of the room, he was on defense. Renjun sensed something behind him, immediately spinning around and reaching out into what seemed like thin air to Jia. His arm lifted up and revealed a black shadowy figure that clawed at Renjuns hand that was clamped around its neck. Renjun sent the creature flying into the wall where he pinned it with a wave of magic. As it struggled and groaned to escape the waves of black magic, Renjun stalked towards it fiercely. He grabbed Jias wrist and pulled her behind him defensively before charging towards the shadow.

Jia had to clamp a hand over her mouth in order to not let out any whimpers of fear. Renjun shot a hand out to the side, a ball of fire flickering in his hand that he formed into a blade. Jia was frankly amazed seeing the demon holding a knife made of literal fire. Renjun shot an icy glare at the shadow creature before slicing the blade across its throat. It let out an ear piercing horrific cry before it disappeared into thin air.

As soon as it was gone, Renjun let out a sigh and turned to look at jia. She let out a whimper of fear and began to back up from him. "Jia calm down." He walked slowly towards her. "What the hell was that?" Jias voice was shaky as she talked. "We call them Night Terrors. I'll explain it later but right now we need to leave because that was not a good sign." He spoke, grabbing her by the hand and walking towards the door. She stopped in her tracks, Renjun looking back at her in confusion.

"Please, just tell me what's happening."



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