(Half a Chapter I think???)

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By now y'all probably hate me for disappearing TWICE, but I really was planning on updating soon. But then my sister starting showing signs (tonight) of Tourette's. She's currently in the hospital and she's still ticking. Making noises and moving her head. She can't stop or talk. I'm really worried and I don't know when I'll update again. I hope you guys understand. But I will give you what I had written so far. I might re-do the chapter when I'm ready to focus on this again, but in the meantime I'll update you guys on my situation. 💜💜💜

Sorry in advance for all of the POV changes in this chapter. It's important to see both POVs here. I hope you enjoy the chapter!!! Alright, I'll shut up now 🥲

Bow's Dad (I think we all know which one ;).)

"What is your name again? I forgot to ask!" I ask her.

"Uh-my name is Catr-..." she pauses and thinks for a moment. "Catara. My name is Catara." She smiles sweetly, but it looks awfully fake. I feel so bad! She must be uncomfortable because Bow isn't here and she's meeting me for the first time! I should make her feel mire at home. Snacks? Snacks. Everyone loves snacks, right?

"How do you feel about biscuits?"

"Biscuits are great." She nods while saying it. Yay! I think she's warming up to me. I better get the biscuits quick.

I run out of the room to go grab the food.


I used a fake name so if he tells anyone I was here, they won't know me. Except Jay. And Catara. And why would anyone even eat biscuits. Oh shit- if they have information on Catara that's going to seem really suspicious. But, from what I've seen so far, he doesn't seem like the type to question.

He comes back with a plate full of biscuits. "So what are you wanting to know about hybrids?"

"Ummm..." shoot. I didn't plan this beforehand. "Well I heard I share a name with the hybrid princess." Good save.

"Oh yes! I didn't even realize. Catara, Catara! That's interesting!" I think he's sweating. Is he really that nervous?

"I guess I was wondering if you had any books on her and her kind?" I almost let my sweetie-pie voice and smile.

"Of course! Let me get some!" He runs up some stairs and comes back down with about ten books. "So these are all on hybrids. I could only find one book on Catara herself. She's very interesting, but no one knows a lot about her. They killed her too fast, I guess." He starts getting sad.

"Thank you so much! I don't want to steal your books, so I'll just read them here when I can. Is there an area where I could read these?" I make sure to smile.

"Oh of course of course! How rude am I? You know, my son, of course you know-"

I have no idea what he's talking about. "Actually I don't. Who's your son?"

He tilts his head. "You don't know my son?" I shake my head. "Then how did you find this place?"

"Exploring...looking for something cool. And I guess I found it." I smile.

He smiles so wide, it almost looks creepy. "You think my library is cool?"

I laugh a little bit. "Yeah, it's really cool. So many..." What am I supposed to say? "Books!" Smooth. Very smooth.

"I KNOW!" He starts talking about history and how he and his husband own the library. "Where are my manors? You came here to read! Have fun with your books! And if you change your mind, you can totally take them with you!"

"Thanks! I think I'll take them actually. But I'll probably be here a lot."

He smiles even wider. "Great to hear! I'm going to leave you alone now. You can go to the-OH MY GOD I FORGOT TO SHOW YOU THE AREA. I AM SO SORRY, FOLLOW ME!" My smile starts to be less and less fake.

I follow him and see a really nice area with a sofa, carpet, table, bookshelf, and some sort of drink machine.

"So this is an area I created for myself to read in recently. It has a couch, table, cupholders in the couch, shelf, and even a MaLutton machine." I have never heard of MaLutton in my entire life.

"What's MaLutton?" I ask him.

"I'm so glad you asked! It's a drink that I made. You should try it! It comes with paper cups by the way."

I smile sweetly and full one of the paper cups with 'MaLutton'. I take a sip and swallow the bitterness, trying not to wince.

"Do you like it?" He asks, hopefully.

"Oh-OH YEAH it tastes...great!" Hopefully that sounded convincing.


"MMM-Mhm! Great!" I nod my head. I set the cup down on the table. "I'm just going to read now."

"Oh! Of course! I'll get out of your way now." I drop my smile as soon as he leaves and set my books down with a grunt.

Catara; Princess of the HybridsWhere stories live. Discover now