Empty Crystal Fields

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My login didn't work 😝✌️ Get ready for some suck ass grammar and spelling BECAUSE IM ON AN ANCIENT iPHONE 5😭 Anyways, here's the other half of the chapter. I know it's technically been two days, not one, but who's counting 🥴 Let's just call it;

I've been reading for two fucking hours and all I've found is jackshit. The most helpful thing I've read is, "Hybrids usually tend to form groups or form special bonds with other hybrids more than humans or princesses. To use this as an example, let's say a frog grouped with three frogs. Although they all happen to be frogs, this barely ever happens. Hybrids don't tend to only group with their species. It can happen, but it is considered rare." What the hell is that even supposed to mean?

I can feel my tail stir. This always happens when I'm angry or stressed. My tail is a reminder that I get pissed a lot. I close my eyes invoulentarily and I know it's Catara.

I open my eyes and there she is; pretty and perfect. She smiles and kisses my head. I raise my eyebrows.

She frowns. "You go about everything the wrong way, just like me. We really are related."

I scrunch my eyebrows together. "What do you mean by that? Sounds kinda bitchy."

She frowns even more. "I am your mother. Don't use that language around me."

"You live in my head, what am I supposed to do?" She shakes her head and something pops up. It looks just like me as a child.

"As you may know, I wasn't supposed to be a princess," her voice booms.

I can see little me running around in a grass field. My cute little cat ears poking out of my hair. Wait. That's not me. My freckles have never looked that good. That's Catara.

A loud sound seems to come from the image I see in front of me. Catara's blue eyes look startled. She runs and trips on something. A blue light shines into her face when she picks her head up. She starts to shapeshift; almost like Double Trouble. She looks like a little version of me when I'm in my Catara form.

I see a flash and then Catara is back in front of me. She looks at me to make sure I'm not zoning out while I'm zoning out. "That's when I first transformed into The Princess Of The Hybrids." Oh yay. Another flash. "No sass please."

"Sorry," I have to say.

Catara, much older now, is in her red jumpsuit and looking back and forth. People are chasing her and there almost to her. She's in the same field as earlier. She eventually loses them and drops to the ground. She moves the grass around and finds the same crystal from earlier, still built in the ground. There's only one thing different about it, it's half blue and half yellow.

Catara touches the crystal and it looks as if she seeps into the crystal. The people chasing her catch the last of her seeping and a light from the crystal beams into the sky. The people take the pretty rock out of the ground and it turns a gray color. A flash and I'm back to seeing Catara.

She's crying from the memories. "The Empty Crystal Fields is a dangerous place to be, they said. I should have listened. Now only the real and true princess can save a poor soul."

The vision ends and I don't even bother trying to activate another one to ask what she meant. It won't work no matter how much I want it to.

The guy comes back and asks if I'm done reading. "Yes I am. Thank you. I learned a lot thanks. I have to get back to my...fam-family now." I smile and he smiles back.

"That's great! I hope you and your family have a great night!"

I try to smile again, but I don't think it worked. I get up and exit the place. Now to find my way back home.

Catara; Princess of the HybridsWhere stories live. Discover now