Temporary Princess

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A couple things you might be confused about:  
The first couple of chapters. As you know, this takes place before the portal. There's a couple things I put in that were after the portal...I started this book VERY late at night and I was tired. I'm pretty sure I said something like, "let's pretend the whole magicat thing wasn't revealed. I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT SLEEP DEMON POSSESED ME THERE BUT OKAY. And Scorpia being in the rebellion, I just felt like it needed to happen. For the good of the story. Scorpia will play a big part in the story later so yeah. Sorry for the confusion!

So I'm also confused myself. Is She-ra having a season 6 or not? I saw something that said it will, but I'm not sure. Comment if you know, I guess. ALSO HAPPY PRIDE MONTH BITCHES. I LOVE YOU 💜💜💜Anyways here you go:

She's pointing ahead of her like a crazy woman because there's nothing there. Nothing there at all. "Catra...what am I supposed to be looking at?"

She groans. "THE CASTLE!" She angrily gestures to something but I don't see it. "DO YOU SERIOUSLY NOT SEE THIS?!?!?" I shake my head and she groans again. She mumbles something to herself and grabs something. She's gripping a lever that I don't think was there before. She tries to pull it down and when she does, random wooden doors appear. They slowly lift upwards and suddenly, I can see the whole castle.

"C-Catra," I say in awe. "It's...beautiful!" This is the prettiest thing I've ever seen. The light purple walls match perfectly with the wooden doors. And the stain glass windows, perfection. It's all just so...perfectly perfect!

Catra stands there staring at the castle, but not in amazement like me. She looks at it in horror. She looks like she's about to have another thing. Where she gets those flash backs.

"Adora and, and that sparkle girl-Glimmer. Why am I-why are we here? Only the, the real and true princess can save a poor soul. What does it mean? I don't know what to do. I'm not the princess, I don't live in a castle. The princesses are at bright moon. Catara should have been the one to find it. She is the princess, not me! I shouldn't be here. I shouldn't be here." She slowly sits on the ground and puts her head in her hands.

"Catra," I say. She doesn't respond and keeps mumbling to herself. "Catra!" Still no response. "CATRA!" I yell. She looks startled and looks at me. "What the hell?"

"I shouldn't have been the one to find it because I am not a princess! Catara is!"

"Catra! Right now, you are a princess. Once we get your mother back, it'll go back to normal! Okay?" She nods and stands up, brushing her outfit off.

"You're right. Come on, let's see what's in here. There might still be something that can help in here."

I step into the castle and immediately feel at home. Maybe Catra becoming the "new princess" isn't so horrible.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2021 ⏰

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