25 | The One About The Best Muffins

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Calculations, numerical charts, probabilities, prediction of future outcomes using numbers and numerology, studying the magical properties of numbers, and writing essays that no one but Arithmancers could understand: that pretty much summed up Arithmancy in Gemini's opinion. While some might call it complex and terrifying ("some" mostly being Draco), the Arithmancy students knew that their subject was immense fun. Especially with a teacher as good as Professor Vector, it was hard not to enjoy a little mathematics.

Following a hazy lunch after Gemini's chaotic Care of Magical Creatures lesson that morning, Arithmancy seemed more like a disciplinary ritual than anything. Apart from Professor Vector's oddly calming voice, the only other sounds in the classroom were quills scratching on paper. Unlike other classes where the Gryffindors and Slytherins ended up together, there was no scope for conflict in Arithmancy. All the students present were the more peaceful and civil of the lot since this subject required a lot of patience.

The rowdier ones like Pansy had chosen Divination instead, which was more of crystal balls, tea leaves, tarot cards, and vague prophecies than fixed facts and figures. As much as Gemini ridiculed the subject, however, she knew that with the correct mystic intuition, divination was hardly silly.

The bell rang, signalling the end of their lesson. Professor Vector assigned them some homework before dismissing them, but Hermione Granger was out the door before she had even finished.

Gemini spared her an odd look as she leisurely packed her books and thought of visiting Fizzy again. It had been too long since she had seen her, which was unacceptable. So the moment she stepped out the door of the Arithmancy classroom, she gave Twig the task of carrying a short, neat note to Fizzy, informing her that she would come to visit her that evening around dinner.

And that was all she could think of for the rest of the day. She had been desperately craving Fizzy's special muffins; the mere thought of those delicious treats made her completely unable to concentrate on her homework. She ended up whiling away her time by the lake again, trying (and failing miserably) to juggle with her stationery.

Sometime around six o'clock, Fred and George came up to her inadvertently and offered her one of their jinxed biscuits. She had originally saved her appetite for Fizzy's muffins, but she was so starved by then that she couldn't help paying up for a canary cream. The after-effect of the canary cream evoked a surprising half-giggle from her, which the twins did not expect. They settled down on either of her sides.

"What is this?" said George, picking up her Arithmancy textbook as if it were a cursed object.

"The rabble Bill used to read," Fred answered, taking the textbook from him and throwing it away.

"Hey!" complained Gemini, moving to get it, but the twins each wrapped an arm around her abdomen and pushed her back.

"Nuh-uh," said Fred, shaking his head, "Don't touch that vapid nonsense. Here, have another canary cream. Don't forget to pay."

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