16 | Golden Wings, Golden Love

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"I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts,
there they are a'standing in a row...
big ones, small ones, some as big as your head,
give 'em a twist, a flick of the wrist
that's what the showman said!"

Gemini spun around as she sang and moved down the grassy, sloping lawn. After having had a heavy breakfast, she had decided to hop down to the edge of the Forbidden Forest with a simple aim in mind for the day — she was going to study the Abraxan-winged horses.

Her fascination for magical creatures was once again, messing with her self-control. Usually, Gemini never sang so openly — in fact, she never sang at all — but the sheer sight of the horses had piqued her curiosity and put her in a particularly good mood. She knew that she could easily read about the creatures in a book, but meeting them personally was a pleasure unmatched.

Twig sang along in her ear, their voices not carrying far. It seemed like hours before Gemini came to a stop in front of the large powder-blue carriage of the Beauxbatons delegation. At this point, she and Twig left the song incomplete. Gemini quickly dusted her tidy skirt to make sure she looked decent given she still had blue hair. Much to Snape's dismay, she absolutely refused to change it back.

Dumbledore had talked to her that morning — he seemed concerned at her lack of caution. Gemini had already strained her head on that matter but couldn't do much about it. In the end, she'd told him that having blue hair was perhaps a virtue.

Bits of their conversation flashed through her head as she knocked on the door of the carriage. Gemini was just adjusting the stationery she had brought with her when the carriage door opened.

The same boy who'd been staring at her earlier when the delegation had arrived was standing at the door. He looked to be two or three years older than her and was dressed in his blue robes. Upon catching sight of her, his eyes widened visibly. He stared at her as if she was a dream — surreal and stunning.

"Bonjour!" she smiled at him politely.

"B-Bonjour," he stammered.

"Madame Maxime est-elle ici?" she continued, hoping that Madame Maxime was present. She ought to be.

He looked surprised at her fluent French. "Oui. Voulez-vous que je l'appelle?" he asked, seeming more in control of himself now. But his blue eyes still looked at her with wonder.

"Ce serait génial," she smiled at him.

Awestruck, he cleared his throat and nodded at her. Then he spun on his heel and very stiffly walked back into the carriage to get Madame Maxime as she had requested. Not more than a minute later, the sound of heels clicking on the carriage floor reached Gemini's ears. Twig perked up to see who it was.

Madame Maxime emerged from the carriage in all her extravagant glory and Gemini stepped back respectfully. Her eyes slowly travelled around and then downwards to find Gemini. Her handsome features melted into an expression of startled admiration.

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