19 | Why Snape Snapped

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Saturday night Gemini found herself hurrying down from the library straight to the dungeons for her detention, flanked on the sides by the Weasley twins who looked like they could care less about the fact that they were supposed to be in bed. She was already exhausted by the exercise she'd done that morning and that combined with endless hours of research on plants for her Herbology work had left her in a very irritable mood. 

All this left no space in her head for Fred and George's rambling and begging. They wanted her to help them with a prank on Snape, considering she was going to meet the very man in a matter of minutes.

"It won't take more than a moment!" hissed Fred in a whisper. "You just have to wait till he leaves —"

"And what if he doesn't?" Gemini interrupted, her eyebrow twitching with annoyance.

"You needn't worry about that, Gem —" George answered casually.

Gemini opened her mouth to tell him to not call her that, but Fred was already babbling ahead.

"We have special arrangements to ensure he comes out of his office long enough for you to do your part," he assured her.

Gemini turned a corner, nearly there.

"No," she replied stubbornly.

She heaved a sigh as Snape's office came into sight, but her moment of relief didn't seem to last — Fred and George pulled her back by her arms and into one of the shadowy corners of the dungeon.

"Pleeeeease..." begged George, bouncing on his toes out of the sheer thought of the many outcomes of his and Fred's devious plan.

The twins were looking at her expectantly, making puppy dog eyes that they couldn't pull off. Gemini leaned her head back against the cold stone wall behind her and groaned quietly. She kept telling herself that it was a stupid thing, she would probably get weeks' worth of detention if she caved.

"Good heavens, alright." she snapped.

The twins looked at each other with a gleam of mischievousness and joy in their eyes and let go of her arms, performing a weird victory dance at the end of which they bumped their hips — making Gemini's mouth unwillingly quirk into a smile that would have been a precursor to a laugh had she not bitten it back at the last moment. They then quickly leaned forward and simultaneously kissed her cheeks as a form of gratitude.

"Here, take this," George stuffed a small vial in her hand as she rolled her eyes at their antics. "don't break it, don't misplace it, and don't replace it with the wrong vial."

"I know, genius," she said sarcastically, but George still pretended to blush and cooed her a 'thanks', pinching her cheek — it turned red almost immediately, and Gemini lifted a hand to rub away the pain. "Ow," she mumbled.

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