02 | Silvertongue And The Stolen Ring

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The man wearing the tweed coat was the first to get over his initial shock. The one wearing the kilt and poncho, however, was still gaping at her.

"Something to see...?" she asked.

He cleared his throat and narrowed his eyes almost immediately. The man wearing the tweed coat took the Portkey from her and threw it in a basket filled with all sorts of inanimate, useless bric-a-brac which were really Portkeys.

"Delmar?" said the man in the tweed coat. His brow was elevated in suspicion and he was shuffling on his feet. The kilted man had a look that clearly said that he didn't believe her.

"The one and only," she assured.

"And... you are here alone?" said the kilted man.

"Do you see anyone else around me?" she replied smartly, watching and waiting for their temper to rise. She noticed the kilted man give her a small glare but neither said anything. "Well then, I'm quite alone."

"Listen here, Miss, we're exhausted and we don't have time to play your little game. So please, if you have a guardian with you, ask them to show themself and we'll tell you the way. If not, I'm afraid we can be of little help." said the man in the tweed coat solemnly.

She sighed. "I'm not playing any sort of game. I'm Gemini Delmar and I have reserved a campsite for the Quidditch World Cup. Now if you could kindly point me in the direction of my campsite —"

Numerous loud thuds behind Gemini disrupted her. She locked her jaw impatiently. Several voices followed the commotion, and the attention of the two Ministry workers in front of her was captivated. Footsteps approached rapidly and an unacquainted voice sounded behind her a minute later. 

"Morning, Basil,"

But the voices that sounded next made her eyes narrow.


"I swear —" she spun around and came face-to-face with the famous Weasley twins. Twig let out a silent squeak as his hands barely managed to clasp a flower that was about to fall down due to the sudden movement.

The twins weren't the only ones present. Along with them was their brother Ron Weasley, his friends Hermione Granger and Harry Potter, the Weasley girl Ginerva, Cedric Diggory, a man with red hair (who she assumed to be Arthur Weasley) and another man she didn't know. The one thing they all had in common at the moment was their astonishment.

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