05 | The Deadliest Dangers Come Cloaked

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Gemini woke up abruptly from her subconscious sleep and peered around the tent. The air was filled with smoke, and an immense heat was surrounding her senses. Looking up, she realised that the canvas was engulfed in flames.

The first thought that came to her mind was of Twig and Galleon. She shouted around the tent for them, reluctant to leave till she found them. At long last, Galleon appeared in her clouded vision with Twig peeking out of his pocket. She hurriedly snatched her bag and used magic to push all her belongings back into the bag. Without a second thought, she stepped out of the tent and saw several more tents burning.

The red-hot flames licked hungrily at the cloth and slowly spread down to the grass. And amongst this catastrophe stood a group of masked people, cloaked in black and shooting fire from their wands at any tent in sight. Above them, a man, a woman, and a child hung like toys.

The child was spinning like a top, sixty feet above the ground, his head flopping limply from side to side. The woman had been flipped upside down to reveal voluminous drawers and she struggled to cover herself up as the masked crowd below her screeched and hooted with glee.

"Death Eaters," whispered Gemini and jumped aside as her burning tent collapsed to the ground. She began to stealthily move away from her tent and in the direction of the woods, but one of the Death Eaters spotted her and called out loudly to the rest.

"There! Don't let her get away!"

Instead of running, like any sane person would have done, Gemini stayed rooted in her spot, waiting for the Ministry Aurors to come. She quickly directed Twig and Galleon to go deep into the woods and they obeyed instantly.

The Death Eaters kept firing curses at her, and she dodged them — some easily, some narrowly. But when the Ministry didn't seem to be arriving anytime soon, she took matters into her own hands.

The Death Eaters were now at a close enough range for her to not miss a shot. "Confringo!" she cast the charm at a Death Eater and slinked behind a tent. He deflected it with a mere wave of his wand and shot a curse at her as she peeked around her shelter. She defended herself equally as well with a shield charm.

"Petrificus Totalus!" came another male voice from behind one of the masks.

"Impedimenta!" Gemini yelled, and the spells clashed mid-air.

A sudden crack sounded right in front of her and Fizzy appeared, looking frantic. Gemini's eyes widened as she stepped in front of her and shielded them from an oncoming jinx. "Fiz, what are you doing here?!" she called out to the house elf.

"I heard about the Death Eaters and came to help you, Miss!" Fizzy shouted over the derisive laughter of the Death Eaters. She used her elf magic with a snap of her fingers to redirect a curse at the Death Eater who had cast it. It missed him by a hair's breadth.

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