21 | Fire Flowers In The Sky

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The evening of the Hogsmeade visit was one filled with the euphoric laughter of rosy-faced students who were treading back from the hamlet. The sun dipped low on the horizon, letting out its final breath for the day as it burned the sky a gorgeous mix of pink, orange, and purple. Down and deeper, the exhale of the setting sun melted beneath the crystalline waters of the Black Lake, bathing the landscape in liquid gold.

Gemini admired this picturesque view from the shallows of the Dark Forest where she was sitting on the cool, mossy ground, accompanying the Abraxan horses again. She hummed a lost tune that was running somewhere in the back of her mind and stared unblinkingly at the sunset. Having had her supper early, she wasn't concerned about going back to the castle any time soon. Besides, would someone really want to leave such an exotic sight for a cluster of dull walls?

Henry nickered and raised his wings as if in agreement. Twig lay on his head, face in his thin green hands as he swayed to Gemini's music. The three sat in a bubble of silence that Gemini had created with a couple of charms. She really didn't want anyone to disturb her peace, nor did she want anyone to hear her singing.

The sun too seemed to dance to her gentle tune as its twilight glow retreated behind misty clouds. Curfew was approaching but Gemini's lack of sleep was another reason that held her back from going inside. Her humming started to become fainter and fainter until she stopped singing and found herself releasing a sigh, running a hand through her long hair. She took the ends of it between her fingers and played with them thoughtfully.

With a flick of her wand, the charms around her faded away and her ears were met with an ear-piercing roar. She shot up from the ground so suddenly that Henry got frightened and whinnied, stomping his front legs mightily.

Gemini got out of his range of attack quickly and then called softly to him to call him down. When her words didn't seem to make a difference, she reached out at an opportune moment and grabbed the back of his large neck. Henry stopped moving instantly, his chest heaving and eyes alert.

But Gemini couldn't concentrate on him for too long — she wanted to find out the source of that deafening sound. She listened closer, fruitlessly.

Twig's angry scream broke her concentration. Gemini's eyes darted around in the dark, trying to find him. She eventually spotted the bowtruckle on the ground — he had been thrown off Henry's head during the horse's little outburst. Gemini broke into laughter as he squealed indignantly. Twig glared at her and slumped onto the grass with his arms folded crossly but Gemini didn't stop.

Getting irritated, he launched after her, ready to stab her naked feet. Realising his intentions, Gemini started running away from him, still laughing her head off at the silly incident. She went deeper into the forest, not having a care about the fact that she could get killed there. After a couple of minutes of Twig chasing Gemini through endless trees, she stopped abruptly at the sight of a curious fire blooming above the canopy of the forest.

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