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BOOM! Dex coughed again and waved his hand infront of the burning mess of a invention. If you could call it a invention.


"I'M FINE!" He screamed back to his mother. He looked at the heating pile and sighed. He needed a break. This wasn't working. Fifty-two times he had tried to fix it, over the past week! But did it work? No.

He banged his head against the table, knocking multiple tools down to the already scattered floor.

Someone whistled from the door, "Your mom wasn't kidding when she said you needed a break."

He got up so fast, that his invention got knocked down and landed on his leg. Dex silently cursed and held his leg and sat down again. He took off his fogged glasses to see Biana smiling at him from his door. Her immaculate dress and hair standing out in his room of blackened walls and junk straining on the floor.

"Hi.." he said, his voice a few notes higher. He coughed again and smiled back at her. "What are you doing here?"

Biana started dodging tools hanging from the ceiling and made her way to his table. "Your mom said you needed a break, also I knew you needed a break." She grinned. "Nice glasses."

Dex probably turned redder than Sophie when he realized that his "glasses." Was still on top of his head, he had worn them after the tenth explosion nearly blinding him.

Biana laughed again and started dragging him out of his room and suddenly stopped that Dex almost slammed into her.

"Actually, we can't do their with half of your hair sticking up like iggy and your face covered in groot. You need to go get changed, I'll hang out with the triplets until then."

Dex blinked at her, "Um..where are we going?"


Dex cringed at the loudness of her voice, which was amazingly louder than the triplets but he smiled too realizing her excitement.

The wild kelpies had been one of the first things Biana noticed when she came here for the sleepover. And by the way her eyes sparkled now, Dex could tell how excited she was.

"My mom didn't mention any of that to me, it's fine. I'll go get changed."

Biana beamed at him and went out the door. Dex let out a laugh and though he was happy, he was going to have a serious talk with his mom.
Dex made his way down the stairs when he heard the screaming.


Dex laughed at the fact that five minutes on and Biana was already trying to give the triplets makeovers.

"They very pristine makeovers you know? They out show our-"

"BOO! I like your brother better." Dex entered the living room to see Biana tumble over laughing at that.

"I'll be sure to mention that to him." She turned around and let another yell when she saw him coming. She rushed over to him and looped her hand through his. "COME ON! WE CAN'T BE LATE!"

Dex pretended to shake his ear, "Even the triplets aren't this loud."

Her mom entered the room smiled when she saw Dex and it turned into a sheepy grin when he glared at her.

"Can we go now?" Biana asked his mom.

"Yep. Make sure bundled up, it's cold out there." She held out Dex's coat and Dex put it on.

"Where are they going?" Lex asked.
And before his mom could answer Dex grabbed Biana and was already out the door.
It was certainly cold outside but one glance at Biana told Dex that she didn't even notice. She kept stopping to stare at the sow capped mountains, dotted with emerald pine trees, Dex couldn't blame her. He didn't come out here often enough, he found himself gaping at the view too.

"Come on, we better hurry we don't want to miss the them."

Biana smiled again and hurried down the road. In a few minutes they reached the sea, the sun setting casting a brilliant glow against the mountains, setting them on fire that Dex looked at Biana and blushes when he saw her. The sunset glow bathed over her and she seems unaware of it. Dex almost couldn't look away until he saw the Kelpies.

Dex was sure he would never forget the look on Biana's face when she saw them. She let out an gasp and ran to the edge to get a better view. The bluish-green horses were hard to spot if it wasn't for there sparkle over there bodies. Dex sat down on the edge and Biana joined him.

"They are beautiful." She whispered, as if afraid the slightest noice would scare them away.

"It's not a surprise your Mascot is a Kelpie." Dex whispered too, thinking Biana couldn't hear him.

Biana let out a whisper laugh and nudged him. "Thank you for this. I've been wanting to see them for the longest time."

Dex looked at her and gave her a smile. Biana returned it,
"And Dex?" Dex turned away from the view to look at her again. "I wouldn't pick anyone else in the world than you to enjoy this with."

Dex turned even more red, which got Biana laughing. "Your turning even more worse than Sophie."

Dex too laughed at that, "I wouldn't have anyone else in the world either Bi."

Dex sweared that he could hear her suck in her breath but that must have been the wind. He almost got knocked off the edge when Biana laid her head against his shoulder watching the last of the Kelpies dissapear under the water. Dex let out a breath and put his hand over Biana's and when she squeezed back, Dex felt that nothing more was amazing than having a moment with Biana Vacker.

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