𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐲𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐩

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Hinata Shoyo watched as heavy droplets of rain splattered onto the window as he leaned his head against the palm of his hand, tuning out the class lesson, and hoping for the clock to strike 2:00 in the afternoon and signal the end of the school day.

"This has been such a boring day and I have a load of homework given to me," he thought dejectedly.

"Hinata Shoyo, Please pay attention, I will not be repeating this lesson twice!" The teacher called out.

Startled out of his brooding, he blushed, embarrassed that he was caught daydreaming and lowered his gaze to not meet his classmates' stares.

As his teacher was going to reprimand him some more, the bell rang. "Saved by the bell", he thought in relief. The scrapes of chairs were heard against the floors as students stood up to pack their things, Hinata hurriedly packed his school supplies so as to not be the last in the class for his teacher to scold him. Leaving out the door and onto the school's campus he retrieved his bike from the steel rack. He put his jacket and hoodie on, walking and dragging his bicycle alongside as the rain prickled his skin, the sensation made him feel at ease since it wasn't often that it rained in Miyagi. The downpour having calmed down a bit he was able to take his time walking at a leisure pace and smelling the air of fresh rain in the environment.

Walking past some shops on his way home one in particular caught his eye, in between two shops there was an alleyway— small and narrow, the alley itself wasn't what caught his attention but the small shop at the end of it was what picked his curiosity. Now that he thought about it, the small building wasn't there when he was riding his bicycle to school in the morning, and he sure as hell would have noticed it— okay... he has to admit that he's a little bit of an airhead and most people who have met him would say so too, and if there was a scale of naivety from one to ten then he would have reached the end of it a long time ago, but come on! he definitely would have noticed the inconspicuous building— it wasn't everyday that the town of Miyagi had new stores established in the area, given that the population barely surpassed 4,000.

Standing in front of the entrance of the alleyway, debating whether walking down the pathway towards the quaint shop, he couldn't help but think of it as a bit ominous. Something felt really off— right as if it was a scene from the start of a horror movie the sky started to turn cloudy, painting it a greyish hue but Hinata didn't notice this because all of a sudden he felt compelled to go towards the hidden shop. Taking slow steps forward, looking straight and unblinkingly— in a dazed and trance like state, he found himself in front of the front door. Upon closer inspection at the window displays in the shop, he realized that it was a small bookstore. The feeling of unease was still there but he decided not to dwell on it since his curiosity won over. "What kind of person establishes their store in a hidden area?" he thought, confused. With that question in mind he opened the door of the shop and stepped in. The bell that was placed atop the door chimed, he looked at the front counter but saw no one.

"Um... h-hello" he called out, the feeling of uneasiness creeping up again. His hands felt clammy as he started to breakout into a cold sweat. Stop being ridiculous Shoyo there's nothing to be anxious about, snap out of it, he thought, leaving a reddish glow on his cheeks as he slapped them harshly.

"Is anyone here?" He called out again without his voice wavering.

No one answered.

Just as he was about to leave, something caught his eye from his peripheral vision.

Author's note: I will try to update next week since I have a lot of school work. Thank you to those of you giving this story a chance and reading it! I know this is short, but I promise that I will make chapter 2 longer. This was just a start to get my creative thoughts flowing. Also, this is my first time writing a story so positive feedback is appreciated:)

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