Women Rights are Human Rights!

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Hello, to those who are taking their time reading this.

Since it was international women's day two days ago, I wanted to remind y'all that the fight for women's rights is not over!
Some women in other countries don't have the luxury of equal rights and freedom, it's necessary to become aware of this and bring attention to it.

I wanted to bring awareness and spread information of what's happening in Mexico and some parts of Latin America. The feminicides are at an all time high and there isn't much coverage of the situation.

Please! Take your time to read and share this information on your social media platforms.

And if you're from Mexico just know that we stand by you and hope that you're doing well, we admire you for being strong and brave. Keep on fighting for women rights!

And lastly,
Dismantle the patriarchy!

Here is the link for you to read and spread the information:


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