𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐎𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 𝐏𝐭. 𝟐

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The sound of loud chattering from the students was heard throughout the classroom; laughing and catching up with their friends after the long holiday break that they had.

All the way across on the right side of the classroom, near the windows overlooking the campus grounds, sat a group of boys being loud and boisterous; creating more noise than the rest of the students in the class combined.

"So, what were you guys up to during break? Anything interesting?" Sugawara asked.

"Well, I don't know if you guys want to hear about my love life..." Kuroo paused, but then smirked mischievously—— "Or should I say my hot and wild sex life-" he said teasingly.

Everyone groaned, exasperated with the bed-haired boy. Why couldn't he just keep quiet for once in his lifetime? They thought.

"Ara~Ara" Bokuto chimed in, slapping his best bro's back with a victorious grin on his face. "That's my bro".

"You're repulsive Kuroo, please refrain yourself from saying that again" Akaashi responded, with a grimace, evident disgust on his face.

"So, who is it this time?" Daichi asked, rolling his eyes. As much as he didn't want to admit it, he definitely was curious about who was in a relationship (once again) with one of the school's most sought after boys.

"Is she hot?" Nishinoya eagerly asked, leaning forward with interest.

"Yeah,yeah, is she hot?" Tanaka repeated excitedly.

Raising an eyebrow, Oikawa asked tentatively, curiosity lacing his voice, "Yeah, who is this little conquest of yours?"

"If I had money for every time you've been with someone, I would've already been rich a long time ago" Tsukishima sarcastically said, with a passive and monotone expression on his face.

"Tsukki, don't be so rude, let's not shame anyone here. We are all friends after all!" Yamaguchi said with a patient look on his kind facial features towards his tall friend.

With a glare directed at his freckled friend, he hissed "Shut up, Yamaguchi!"

"No, I don't think I will." Yamaguchi retorted.

Tsukishima stopped glaring after hearing Yamaguchi talk back, his eyebrows raised and mouth slightly agape; never thinking that his childhood friend would respond to him that way. I would have never thought the day would come where he starts getting a backbone, but better late than never, he thought, still slightly shocked he quickly masked his emotions behind his face of indifference.

The rest of the boys snickered, trying but failing to cover their amusement at seeing Tsukishima lose his composure for once.

"Well, she isn't too hard on the eyes," Kuroo continued. Kuroo placed his index finger on his chin, his gaze unfocused as if he was thinking of something complicated, "I'd give her like a seven out of ten in terms of attractiveness" he concluded with a nod.

"and her name is..." Kuroo trailed off, hesitating, his eyes dazed; staring off into space.

"Don't tell me you forgot her name" Sugawara spoke up, exasperated, yet again.

"I... I certainly did not!" Kuroo awkwardly said. Rubbing the back of his head, avoiding their blank stares that were boring a hole onto him.

Sugawara merely rolled his eyes, folding his arms across his chest, "how shallow do you have to be to only focus on looks?".

Kuroo stayed silent avoiding Sugawara's judging eyes, intimidated by the silver haired boy's gaze.

"He's a manwhore, I'm telling you," Kenma suddenly spoke up without his eyes and thumbs losing concentration on his PSP, passing another level with expertise.

Kuroo whipped his head towards Kenma and gasped, "I AM NOT!", his tone appalled.

They ignored him, quickly changing the topic of the conversation so as to not have an offended Kuroo in their hands early on in the morning.

The teacher suddenly walked into class, "Settle down class, we will be starting today's lesson".

The boys and the rest of the students shuffled back to their seats accordingly.

"Take out your notebooks, we will be taking notes," standing and facing the chalkboard she wrote, Race and Gender Studies. "In this Unit we will analyze and study Race and Gender throughout history, more specifically, how it affected and played a huge role in certain situations and events, like revolutions and the wars of this nation, just to name a few".

A student raised his hand, interrupting her lecture. "Yes, Mr. Dawson", she asked.

The Japanese-American student curiously questioned, "Since we're on the topic of race, is it true that there was another race besides us vampires called humans living among us?"

This seemed to catch the attention of all the students in the class, especially a certain group of boys seated near the windows, noticing their sudden attentiveness the teacher decided to answer his question.

The teacher sighed, "To tell you the truth, it's very unrealistic and hard to believe that another race with a different DNA structure to us coexisted, the fact that historians have come up with nothing with their futile attempts in proving the existence of these beings, further on adds to it being just a myth. The only thing that the historians like to claim that they know of them..." the teacher suddenly rolled her eyes, thinking it was a load of BS, "is that their five senses aren't as sharp as ours, hypothetically speaking of course".

The students leaned forward, intrigued by the discussion and wanting to know more.

"What would their appearance be like? Would they look like us? Or would they have been genetically deformed, since you said that they would have had a different DNA structure to us" another student chimed in, asking what the others were thinking. "Hypothetically speaking," he added.

"Unfortunately, I cannot answer that since I don't know". The teacher continued, "It's just a myth after all, a popular one, but a myth nonetheless, and whatever they say about this species should be taken with a grain of salt".

"I bet all my family money and teacher's income that this myth was just fabricated to keep us entertained from real world problems," the teacher stated with finality.

"Now, back to what's important...", as the teacher kept going on with the lesson, the group of boys couldn't help but wonder and be fascinated by this so-called myth, yearning to know more, their curiosity nagging and eating them up.

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