𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐎𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝

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In another universe, so similar and uncanny to the human world— the only thing separating these two worlds was a portal in the form of a book sitting innocently in a nook of a shelf. Furthermore, the race that inhabited and roamed in this dimension was the vampire species.

Four-hundred centuries ago the humans and vampires lived in unison, there was peace and friendship among them, no barriers or portals separating them— there was a type of good understanding both had of each other's different cultures and customs. To sum up the relationship that these two races had when living together as a conjoined society was that they had mutual respect for each other. Despite this, there was a certain rule that all citizens of both species had to abide by and it was...

No intermarriage.

And certainly no procreating amongst one another.

A relationship between a human and a vampire was looked down upon. Even so, that it was punishable by incarceration or even death.

It wasn't that the vampires and humans hated one another to restrict vampire-human romantic relations but they both mutually agreed that they didn't want their genetic lineage tainted by the other's. Both species wanted to keep their race "pure", not wanting to risk any genetic mutation by having offspring. So it was established and implemented by the lawmakers at the time.

But..... the peace and camaraderie the humans and vampires once had was unexpectedly broken.

"Re-Ren... I think we should stop seeing each other" Mei mumbled sorrowfully.

The young man who went by Ren whipped his head around to look at her, his eyes widening and mouth slightly agape— a baffled and confused expression on his handsome features.

Where is this coming from? Did I do something wrong? He thought worriedly. His mind racing a mile a minute thinking of endless scenarios that could've made her want to break up with him. His heart beat erratically against his chest, afraid that he was going to have a panic attack.

"wha- what? What's this all of a sudden? Did I do something wrong?" He questioned out loud, his voice trembling giving away his fear and anxiety of her sudden and unexpected statement.

Her green eyes widened, " NO!, no, of course not," she hurriedly reassured, so as to not give him the wrong idea. She placed the palm of her hand on his cheek, gazing at him with adoration, "you know that I love you right? You're the first person that has made me feel... this type of way. You will always remain my first and last love, for no one has made me feel so loved and wanted— I really do want to spend my life with you."

Ren held her face gently with both of his hands, rubbing his thumb against her cheek in a soft and delicate gesture. His eyes showing the pure love he had for her. Sitting down under a willow tree surrounded by the fresh cut grass with different floral plants and the chirps of birds, butterflies gathering around the flowers, the sounds of the nearby river giving the scene an ethereal look. He wanted time to stop, to be stuck in this moment forever. But these kinds of moments don't always last forever, much less happen in the real world-

"But that's why I think that we should stop sneaking out and seeing each other. I love you and it's too risky and dangerous" she said, silent tears starting to fall down her cheeks as she interrupted his train of thought.

"I'm a human and you're a vampire, it's not allowed. That's why I'm telling you that we cannot do this anymore" she whispered, her face twisted in a pained expression.

He wiped her tears with his thumb as he was in thought. No, he couldn't stop seeing her— it was emotionally and physically impossible to stay away from her.

"No" he blurted out, eyes set in a determined gaze.

"What do you mean, no?" She asked, perplexed.

"I mean, that it's physically impossible to stop seeing you-"

"are you crazy!, we can go to prison or even get executed" she whispered furiously as she cut him off mid-sentence. She was starting to get frustrated for his unreasonable thinking.

"Not if we're very careful!" He reasoned. He sighed, "look, I promise you that we won't get caught. We'll just take extra measures to not be seen with each other too much, no one will suspect a thing, they will just think we're friends. Nothing more. I promise you,love" he said, sincerely.

She couldn't help but give in and agree with how sure he looked, his grey eyes stared determinedly back at her.

They both stared at each other for a few seconds before he captured her lips with his.

She felt him swipe his tongue across her bottom lip, nibbling it, and delving in to explore the cavern of her mouth— her hands wrapping around his neck and going to his hair. Their tongues rubbing against each other, creating open mouth kisses.

The sound of crunching leaves was heard, making them pull away, heads swiveling around looking for the source of the noise. But saw no one.

"What if someone saw us" Mei worriedly said, her green eyes showing genuine fear of being caught.

" I'm sure it was just a squirrel or something," he reassured, but couldn't stop the queasy feeling settling in his stomach.

"It's getting late, we should go already," Mei responded.

"Yeah, you're right".

They stood up and he pulled her into a hug, kissing her forehead.

Not knowing that that would be the last time he would see her and hold her in his arms.

In the wake of Mei's untimely death, a race war against the two species broke out. After hearing the news of her brutal murder, pin pointing the culprit to a female vampire; the humans were infuriated. There wasn't a word in the vocabulary to describe the immense hatred and choleric aura that they began to develop against the vampires. They took this as a personal attack and declaration of war— as it was done to one of their own.

The vampires were equally as mad that a human had the audacity to be in a romantic relationship with one of their own. They tried to defend and justify the actions of the female vampire that killed the young human.

The young male vampire by the name of Ren was so consumed with guilt and grief for his one true love, the only thing he was able to do to ease the chaos amongst the citizens was to seek a way for the two species to not kill each other into extinction. Thus, he found a way to split the universe into two— creating a ripple between time and space he was able to achieve this impossible feat, choosing a simple book to be the entrance way for the different worlds.

Author's Note: I'm going to try to upload chapter 3 this same week too, so stay tuned for that! This chapter is basically how and why the two worlds came to be separated (four-hundred centuries ago).

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