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Hey! Dear readers, it's been a while. First and foremost -as it's painfully obvious- this is not an update. Recently, I've been extremely unhappy with my story and how it's going so far. I don't necessarily hate all of it per se, but it does have some elements/stuff that I've been itching to change, and I'm unable to do so without having to change the overall plot of the storyline. Mainly being the "vampire and human fall in love" trope, I've seen many stories with this trope and I don't want my story to sound repetitive or like it's another rendition of countless similar stories. And also, when I began to write this I didn't have a clear outline or plan of where I wanted to take this story and it's resolution. I was unaware that you had to do such thing so as to avoid plot holes. Another reason being that I want to develop my characters properly , even though we know who they are and whatnot, I want to flesh them out, which means I want to give them some personality instead of being flat and boring characters who have no personality whatsoever. In the rewrite of this story I will leave some of the original elements to stay the same, such as time travel. I'll be getting rid of the vampires trope solely and some tweaks here and there, nothing major. You guys will see in due time what I mean in terms of rewriting it. Thanksgiving break is approaching next week and I'm confident to say that I'll be rewriting and updating this story. Fear not, I will not be abandoning this story. One last thing is that thank you to all those who read and engage/comment, I couldn't be more grateful. The comments motivate me furthermore, so feel free to keep em' coming. Let me know your thoughts or what you want to see in the rewrite, I'm open to various ideas. Love you guys and take care.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2021 ⏰

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