𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟒: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐥 𝐈𝐧-𝐁𝐞𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐏𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐬

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"Is anyone here?" He called out again without his voice wavering.

No one answered.

Just as he was about to leave, something caught his eye from his peripheral vision.

(End of Recap)

He turned fully and focused his curious amber eyes solely on what was in front of him; a book. Well, that was a bit nonspecific, wasn't it? There were loads and loads of books surrounding him. No, it wasn't just any book, this one was quite distinct from the rest, it stood out like a sore thumb. He peered around, noting that the rest of the books looked old in age. Their front and back covers bounded by leather, the books got darker and shabbier the more he came closer to inspect them. He refocused his gaze back to the book that looked completely out of place in this vast and dark library, unlike the others, this particular book had a red (the hue of blood type of red) bounding with gold patterns and shapes on the spine.

He looked around again, checking to see if there were any that weren't binded by the usual dark brown leather that this specific library, from the looks of it, seemed to be very fond of. His eyes widened, lifting his eyebrows; He couldn't believe it, besides the one that piqued his curiosity from the beginning there weren't any books that differentiated from the rest. Very odd, very odd indeed. His eyes raked over the red book, the intense feeling of intrigue making him act on impulse, he reached over and grabbed it from in-between the other books. Picking it up with his left hand he raised his right to brush out the thin layer of dust.

As the last particles of dust were swept off, he began to see that there weren't any words stamped on the cover, he turned it sideways to see if there was a title on the spine, but there was none. At least the other books had faded titles but this one seemed to be completely bare of anything. He found it quite peculiar, if you asked him, but he couldn't help but feel excited to find out what the contents of the book were. With this in mind he flipped the cover open, anticipating what he would find inside.

He frowned, lips pulled tight into a thin line; Umm, yeah no, this isn't what he envisioned when he finally opened the red leather bound book. He couldn't help but feel completely and utterly disappointed. He let out a long drawn out sigh, his eyes furrowed in irritation of being led on in expectation. This, oh so "mysterious" book was completely empty, the pages were blank without a single drop of ink. He flipped through all the pages briefly to further confirm if it was all devoid of anything, and if anyone wants to know, yes, yes it was. Honestly, what was the point of placing an empty book in a library, a place where people come to read and check out books.

He huffed in exasperation, "What an utter waste of space in this already cramped up library," he grumbled, referring to the good for nothing book. With that said, he let go of his hold on the book and let it drop on the floor, not caring if it ripped or got damaged in any way.

As he was about to turn around and head for the entrance from where he entered earlier, with a loud thud the book landed on the floor wide open, starting to vibrate subtly whilst emitting light from its bare pages. He came to a sudden halt, rooted in place, being unable to do anything but stare in awed silence at the bizarre sight that was bestowed upon him.

He stood there for six minutes contemplating on what to do. Shaking himself out of his stupor, he decided to slowly approach the illuminating book. With calculating slow steps he arrived a foot away from it, reaching out with his trembling right hand to hesitantly touch it. As he did so, the vibration of the book increased ten fold, suddenly the light that came from it engulfed the whole room like an explosion. Hinata started to panic, he couldn't see a thing, he was blinded, it was like standing directly in front of the sun, strong and radiant. As he was preoccupied with his panicking, all too late, he began to notice the sudden pull of his navel, and with that he involuntarily lurched forward.

He was frightened that he was in his last moments before the grim reaper would call times out and bury him six feet under. He felt like his body was being stretched out and compressed in a matter of milliseconds, his soul and being going a hundred miles per second, the sensation of being in a fast roller coaster but a thousand times worse. Everything was going so fast, different colors and lights flashing before his eyes. He wanted to scream but couldn't, his throat going tight, his air pipes being squeezed, he was suffocating. He wanted to pull at his throat to be able to breathe, but what was there to pull? No one was choking him. What was this malevolent force that was taking his ability to properly breathe in the air that he realized he took for granted until this very moment.

His mind was filled with thoughts of dying; NO!, this can't be the end, he's too young to die, he still has so much to live for. His confusion on what was going on fueled his hyperventilating. "What is happening?," he thought, unable to come up with a logical explanation on what he was experiencing.

An excruciating pain surged through his body; he felt hot burning pain envelop every inch of his skin. The sensation of tiny pins pricking his every pore worsened by the second. It was simply unbearable.

"This is it," he thought, "this is how I'm going to die, an unexplainable death with no one knowing my exact whereabouts."

With this last depressing thought Hinata's eyes drooped and everything went black as he succumbed to unconsciousness, his body going limp in the process.

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