Episode 23

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Ashwin could not make a guess on what Reena was referring to. They reached Reena's home and Reena said bye to Ashwin, he replied "could you pls tell me what is it before getting down? I don't want to end up cracking my head the whole night". Reena laughed and said "well, I'm sure you can guess it right. Now, don't think too much about it, drive back home safely okay? (smiles)". Ashwin replied "Okay, will text you once I'm back home and and...(mumbles)". Reena asked, "edhadhu sonniya?" Ashwin then replied "Onnum ille, love you". Reena said "Feels new, doesn't it? (smiled saying love you too and got down from the car". Ashwin got back home, texted Reena and got to sleep. He was too tired to even think of anything, but he went to bed happily. Reena on the other hand was having a sleepless night. She took out her diary, wrote all those beautiful moments and towards end she wrote "Dear universe, thank you for everything. Hereafter wishing for everything to go well". The next day, Reena had planned to let her parents (Krishnan & Uma) know about her relationship with Ashwin. While having breakfast, she said "Ma, I want to tell y'all something". Her mum asked "have you got good news for us? (smiles while pouring coffee in Reena's mug). Reena went silent for a moment thinking how's her mum saying it correctly. She asked her mum "what do you mean, ma? (looked at her dad and quickly looked down at her plate). Uma then said, "One's face glow differently when they are in love, have heard of this saying before?" Reena was shocked, she started acting as if she was clearing her throat, she did not want to make it that obvious to her parents. Her dad then said "My dear, we are your parents, we know it better than anyone else. So, tell us, who is it?". Reena then blushed and said "Ermmm, Ashwin". Uma then said "Ohh, adhan teriyume". Reena said "wait, what? when did y'all know about this?". Her parents then said "Idhu onnum avlo periya ragasiyam illeye, we knew it for some time now. And of course, we are very happy about it. When shall we start further discussions with his parents?". And at the same time, Reena received a text from Ashwin saying, "Good morning, law of attraction?".

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