How They Act Around Children

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Aleena: Would be like their mother WITHOUT THE CHAPPAL PLEASEEEEEEE

Markos: He becomes a child himself and acts higher than Ali

Ali: Stands around awkwardly, ", play with this!" hands them a knife. But she's okay with babies so yay

Cho: If they are small children then she would be playing with them. If they are a little older than she would keep light hearted conversations with them. Is also great at comforting them.

James: Acts like a child to entertain the children, and ensures they stay happy. Will protect with life.

Eliza: Actually a good babysitter, the one time she refrains from making depressing commentary and playing with knives

Lia: Would actually take care of the children. Will act like one for their entertainment. Will protect. SHE PROTECC, SHE ATTACC, BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY SHE GOT THE CHILDREN'S BACC -Markos YOU SPELT "THE" WRONG, LMAOOOOOOOOOO -Elfi

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