Chapter 1

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I woke up on a roof top wondering where I was.
"Is this a dream? I was just taking at nap in my room.." y/n thought.
She pinched herself. Nothing. She smacked her face a few times. Nothing.
"Wait, is this real?" She laughed nervously.
Y/n looked in the distance and saw someone on the roof top of another building. She got up and jumped, waving her hands, trying to get their attention, "HEY!!! Over here!"
The person waved back, making their way towards y/n.
"Oh great it's an officer. Thank goodness. He'll help me." She sighed in relief.
As the officer got closer she noticed a few blood stains in his pants and shirt.
Y/n thought nothing of it, after all he was a police officer. Maybe he just fought off a criminal. Or he got beat up. Whatever, she thought.
"Sir, I'm a bit lost. This is going to sound funny but I don't know how I got here," she said looking around.
The officer got face to face with her.
"Did he just sniff me?" Y/n thought, starting to shake from fear.
The officer played along knowing she must've been knew to this world, "oh dear, let's see what we can do. How about we go down stairs and see if we find anyone," he said leading her towards the door.
Y/n turned around, leading. When she reached for the door, the officer pushed her towards the door.
"HEY" y/n screamed.
"Quiet, they might hear you," the officer whispered in her ear.
"Who?" She questioned.
"There are masks on these rooftops and they're hunting people." The officer answered as he pointed towards another building where there was a dead body.
"Oh god," she said as she felt tears form in her eyes.
She suddenly felt the officer start to feel her body. He ran his hands up and down her curves, "hey what do you think you're doing?!" Y/n exclaimed.
"I can protect you, but it won't be free," the officer said as he breathed on her neck.
"HELP ME!!!" Y/n yelled, not believing his mask story.
Her scream was loud, the masks that were nearby heard it, turning towards the direction of the yell.
"I said shut up" the officer said through his teeth, pulling his gun out and pushing it under her chin.
"I've always wanted to do this," he said in a grimy tone. His hands went up her skirt, tugging on her panties.
"Please, please don't do this. I'll do anything just not this, I'm begging you," she said as tears rolled down her face.
The officer managed to pull her panties down to her knees. Satisfied, he starting groping her breasts over her blouse. She felt a bulged on her rear. He was hard.
She yelled one last time, "SOMEBODY HELP ME!!"
Before she could finish her sentence, a gunshot was heard in the distance. Y/n felt the officers body leaning against her. She moved out of the way and he fell to the ground.
Another gun shot was heard. This one hitting her feet. Y/n ran inside, hiding behind the door.
Masked man: "tsch, missed."
Y/n ran down the stairs, into what seemed to be an office.
"Where am I?" She whispered. "What's going on?" Y/n was scared. She couldn't find anyone. Her phone didn't work. Or atleast, calls weren't going through. She dialed the police but all she heard was a busy tone.
"Damn. What do I do now?"

Y/n walked around, hoping to find someone.
"There's someone. Um excuse me?" She called out. The person turned around and y/n saw that they were wearing a mask.
"That's strange, whatever, I need help and they're the only one around."
She walked up to the masked lady. They were a few yards apart, so when the masked lady noticed y/n, she started with a walk and picked it up to a full sprint.
"Oh god. Is that a-a knife!??!" Y/n said to herself.
"Oh shit!" Y/n ran the opposite direction, back to the office she came from.
The masked woman was banging on the door, almost breaking it open.
"The officer was right, if I stay here, she'll kill me but if I go back up stairs, I'll get shot at." Y/n leaned against the door debating what to do. The only obvious answer was to run back to the roof top. Before she made her decision, the masked lady stabbed her knife into the door.

Her knife barely missed her

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Her knife barely missed her. Y/n sprinted towards the door leading to the roof top. She pushed the officer against the door so that the masked woman would have trouble opening it. Y/n sprinted across the bridge that united one building to another. Not thinking twice, she ran into another building. To her poor luck, she ran into another mask.
"Wow, today really isn't my day," y/n said trying to catch her breath.
She saw the masked man fall to the ground. Somebody shot him from the back.
It was another girl. She seemed to be her age.
Y/n: "please, help me. I don't know where I am, I have no clue what's going on."
The girl saw that y/n was defenseless and posed no threat to her. She explained everything that was going, terrifying y/n.
Y/n: "I'm y/n"
Girl: "I'm Mayuko Nise"
Mayuko: "you should probably stick with me for now."
Y/n: "thank you"
Mayuko noticed she had a wound on her shoulder, "here let me put a bandaid on that."
Y/n: "how did that get there?" She questioned herself.
As Mayuko was pulling out a band aid out of her bag, she noticed a shadow behind y/n.
"Look out!" She yelled as she shoved y/n to the side.
The masked man missed.
"Is that the same guy from before?" Y/n said to herself.
"What? Did he follow you here?" Mayuko asked.
"I don't know, when I first woke up, someone shot at my feet from a distance," y/n answered.
Mayuko: "hmm quickly go around that corner I'll catch up," she said to y/n as she pulled a grenade out of her bag.
The ran across the building hearing an explosion behind them.

They made it to another building. Mayuko leading the way, "we'll stay here for now."
She opened the door and another girl was there.
Mayuko: "hey Yuri, I found this girl getting chased. I checked her out and she seems fine."
Yuri: "hi! I'm Yuri, I can understand you're confusion"
Y/n, Yuri and Mayuko got well acquainted. Y/n was still afraid but she felt a bit more secure knowing she wasn't alone.

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