Chapter 25

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Authors note- Sorry for not updating on this story. I've been swamped with hw and didn't have anything written to update this story.

Y/n agreed to it. All she wanted to do was save her Sniper Mask and her friends. That's all that mattered to her. While Rika, Mayu, Yuri, Hayami and Yuuka looked for a way down, y/n was signing her death certificate.
Y/n: "alright, now bring them, and save them."
She knew it couldn't be that easy. He had to be up to something. Regardless, y/n agreed, so long as they were able to get out.
The administrator clicked and typed away on his computer. Y/n watched diligently.
Mayu: "wait..."
Rika: "huh? What is it?"
Mayu: "shhhh, stop walking.."
Yuuka: "I hear it too."
Yuri: "hear what? I don't hear anything?"
Yuuka and Rika started running, "the doors! They're opening!"
The others followed behind. Yuuka stopped before passing through to the bottom floors. "What is it?" Mayu asked. "We can't be sure that we won't get stuck halfway if they close back up.." Rika said, looking at Mayu.
Yuuka: "I'm going."
Rika: "you can't. What if you can't get back. Nothing assures that they all opened."
Yuuka: "that's a risk I'm willing to take. I need to find y/n. I need to be sure that she's alive."
Yuuka ran down the staircase. The other following behind. They were all opening.
Yuuka: "we're getting closer to the bottom" he thought as he fastened his pace.
Y/n watched as the screen turned green little by little. She turned to the great angel, the great angel nodding at her. She ran out to the streets, looking for the closest building that looked like the one that Yuuka and the others were at.
There were so many buildings. A lot that looked almost identical. She caught herself making circles, confused which it was.
Yuuka: "we're almost there. A few more floors!"
-fast forward-
He opened the doors of the building, looking around. Yuri kneeled down on the concrete, "dirt!!! I've never been so happy to feel dirt!" She bent down feeling the floor, trying to hug it.
Rika looked at her, shaking his head in disappointment.
Yuuka sprinted to where his gut was telling him to go. "We need to think of a plan! Wait!" Rika yelled out to him.
Yuuka: "yeah, split up!" He yelled back as he continued to search around, any clues of broken glass or signs that y/n was on the floor already.
The group split up, Rika going his own way, Mayu and Yuri another and Hayami a different way.
Yuuka ran into a building, calling out for y/n.
Yuuka: "y/n?..." he said as he saw a small figure in the distance.
Yuuka: "y/n?!"
The body turned around.
Y/n: "is that...... is that him?"
Y/n: "Yuuka????"
Yuuka: "y/n?!"
Y/n: "YUUKA!!!" She screamed out running towards him.
Yuuka ran to her.
Y/n could see his face now. Tears running down her cheeks.
Yuuka dropped his rifle and hat, stopping in his steps, removing his mask. Y/n jumped into his open arms, legs wrapped around his waist, hands grabbing the back of his neck, giving him a passionate kiss.  It felt like time stopped. Yuuka set her down, not breaking the kiss. His hand on her lower back, bending her slightly backwards as their kiss grew deeper and deeper.
Yuuka broke the kiss for a split second, "I thought I lost you..."
not giving her a chance to say anything, he continued to press his lips against hers.
Y/n whispered at him, "I love you Yuuka..." she said as she held him tight. Yuuka lifted her off the ground, squeezing her tight. He put her back down, holding her face as he gave her kisses. He pinched her cheeks. "Ouch," she said. "Hahah, sorry, I just need to make sure it really is you," he said. Yuuka held her face, admiring her beauty, love and passion in his eyes. Lust showing all over his face as he stared into her eyes. He kissed her once more, this time was different. This kiss was slow yet deep. His hands  running down her body. Completely forgetting that they were in the middle of the street. Yuuka felt eyes on him. Slightly opening one eye to peek out. Rika, Mayu, Yuri and Hayami stood there watching them. Their faces tomato red. "Geez!! Get a room will you?!" Yuri yelled out as she covered her eyes. Lightly peeking at them. Y/n broke the kiss, shocked that they had been caught. Yuuka picked y/n up, cradling her in his arms, walking towards an alley. "I'll be right back then," he said smirking. Y/n blushed, "stop messing around.. they're right there..." she said in a low voice. "So... they know about us. I'm sure they know what couples do behind closed doors. It's not like they only hold hands..." he said in a cocky tone.
Y/n squirmed around, not taking him serious. The others just watching in embarrassment, starting to walk away, giving them their space. Yuuka was serious. "Yuuka... it's embarrassing..... they know that you're....going to umm... be... inside me...." she said in a very low voice, red from the thought that they'd be waiting for them to finish hooking up.
Yuuka put her down, "are you telling me no?" He said in a deep, seductive voice. Y/n didn't meet his eyes. Yuuka smirked, grabbed her chin to make her look at him, and loudly said, "weren't you begging me to fuck you harder last time? I'm going to give you what you want..."
everyone turned when they heard him say that. Y/n covered her face. The embarrassment. She couldn't even look at the others anymore. Yuuka laughed, enjoying y/n blush. He put his arm around y/n's shoulders, leading her towards the others, "I'm teasing, come on."
Y/n followed him, face still feeling hot. Yuuka whispered in her ear, "this is the first and last time that you tell me no." He kissed her forehead. Making y/n feel warm from happiness.

"So where are we going?" Mayu asked.
Y/n: "I know where the administrator is. Well, more like, he found me..."
Everyone looked at y/n.

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