Chapter 9

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Yuuka woke y/n up, "what time is it?" She asked. Yuuka answered quietly, "it's 5am, get ready."
Y/n: "so early," she groaned quietly to herself. Y/n got dressed and left the room, waiting for him to wake up Kuon. "Hey, let's get going," he gently tapped her on the shoulder. Kuon woke up, dark bags under her eyes. Yuuka jumped back, "wow you really need some rest," he thought. They packed their things and went out. The sun wasn't out yet. "Hey, y/n tugged at his suit, "why so early?"
"Early? I let you girls sleep in..." he answered surprised at the question.
They walked for about 2 more hours and made it to a dark and poorly lit building. "Wow that looks sketchy as hell," y/n said out loud. "It is. I wanted to get here early for that exact reason. This side of the city is filled with masks that are defective." He said. "What do you mean? I know what defective is but do they have free will or...?" Y/n asked. Yuuka stayed quiet for a good minute, "well I've never came to this specific building, let alone this side of the city but as far as I've heard, that building there is supposed to be squirming with masks that..... eat the remains of people..." Yuuka said. "And in any other case I wouldn't care, but there's some that have masks that don't fully control them, making them attack other masks as well, so I'm not exactly invisible either."

"Well why don't we train a bit before we go in," y/n said glancing over to Kuon.
"I thought you were strong and considered yourself a good fighter y/n," Kuon said in a bitter tone.
"BITCH IF YOU DONT STFUUU RN 😤😤" y/n thought.
Yuuka intervened, "Kuon, right now your life depends on y/n and myself, so being rude isn't helping your situation." Kuon looked away, "hmph!"
Yuuka: "Kuon, you have your rail gun so what you need to work on is hand to hand combat, y/n have you used a gun or a rifle before?"
Y/n: "I've shot a gun before but my aim isn't the best..... meaning it sucks."
Yuuka chuckled, "don't worry we'll fix that."
"You're helping me first right?" Kuon asked. Yuuka turned to her.
Y/n: "train her first, I'm sure I'll pick up quick, so it shouldn't take long with me.." "I'll go scout the surrounding buildings maybe I see something."
Yuuka: "alright just be careful. And stay where I can see you."
Y/n blushed. She took off leaving Yuuka and Kuon alone to train.
Kuon: "finally she's gone," she thought. She looked at Yuuka and smiled at him.
Yuuka took a deep breath, he knew this would take long, "honestly, why did I even bring her, she's just going to get hurt," he said lighting a cigarette to de stress.

Yuuka: "alright Kuon, when an enemy approaches you, you have to make sure you don't take your eyes off of them but at the same time be aware of your surroundings, you can't be careless

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Yuuka: "alright Kuon, when an enemy approaches you, you have to make sure you don't take your eyes off of them but at the same time be aware of your surroundings, you can't be careless. A one on one fight can easily turn into an ambush...." he continued to explain the basics. Kuons face showed a blank expression. She had no clue what he was saying.
"We're too far to take her back to the other girls, and I can't just leave her in the room we were at before, she's kind of stupid. She might get bored and walk out..." Yuuka thought to himself.
Y/n: "I feel terrible for not saying no to her. I said okay to her coming along but now I put so much weight on Yuuka's shoulders."
"Maybe I can look around for a safe place for her to stay while he and I go inside.."
Y/n searched nearby, but everything around that side of the city seemed unsafe. Being on that side felt like you were just asking to be murdered.
Yuuka continued to train Kuon but it was no help. Every hit she landed on him was delicate. She complained from every punch saying it hurt her hands. Y/n walked back to them after about an hour. She stood against the ledge watching the building. Zoned out. The wind gently blowing through her hair, catching Yuuka's attention. His eyes moving down to her thighs.
Her skirt waved in the wind, making blood rush to his manhood.
"Sniper mask? Mr mask?? Hello.." Kuon asked waving her hand. She followed his eyes, meeting y/n's figure. Kuon blushed standing in front of him to get his eyes off of her. "Hm?" Yuuka said, free from the trance he was in. "Sorry I zoned out and started thinking about the other girls," he lied to her. He knew she caught him. Kuon squinted at him wondering if maybe he had just zoned out. "Hey Kuon, why don't we take a break so that I can train y/n a bit."
"But—" Kuon said as he walked away towards y/n.
"Hey, let's see where you're skills are with this," he said grabbing her gun from her thigh holster. As he grabbed the gun, he squeezed her thigh making y/n blush.
He pulled a small round cylinder from his jacket attaching it to the gun, "this is a sound supressor, we'll need it if we're going to use the gun in there. It'll help reduce the sound of the gun shot." "Oh okay," y/n said as she watched him add it to the gun.
Yuuka: "okay now practice aiming first, we'll move to targets  in a bit."
Y/n held the gun in front of her aiming for a random object.
Yuuka: "alright, let's start with how you're standing and how you're holding it" he walked behind y/n and pressed his body against her back causing y/n to get flustered. Yuuka fixed her posture making sure she was doing it right. Suddenly he let go of her and walked to her side. "What's wrong?" Y/n asked. "Ahem, nothing.." he answered. Y/n saw his ears turn red. "I'm guessing he's blushing under that mask" she thought.
Y/n giggled when her eyes wandered down. His bulge was noticeable. Very, noticeable.
They continued training, Kuon watching. She pulled her skirt up a bit, enough so that her cheeks were slightly showing. It was clear that she was trying too hard.
The emotionless mask appeared with lunch. Y/n and Yuuka went towards Kuon, to eat lunch. "Do you girls think you're ready? Y/n I know you have it down already, what about you Kuon?" Yuuka asked.
He knew she didn't but he still wanted to ask to make her feel left out.
"I feel confident." Kuon smiled.
They finished lunch and packed up. Yuuka: "alright girls, Kuon, listen up, once we step foot on that bridge, we don't make a single sound. Not a word."
"I want it as quiet as possible so that we don't attract attention. I'm trying to get in and out as fast as possible."
Y/n: "okay"
Kuon: "yeah yeah, I get it."
Yuuka: "I'm serious Kuon, you're not that strong, I can't watch over you, I have to watch over myself right now."
Kuon nodded.
They got up and made their way to the bridge. Y/n pulled on his sleeve, "Yuuka, I have a really bad feeling about this." She whispered.
Yuuka: "I know , I do too."


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