Chapter 23

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Y/n: "the ledge! It's cracking! I'm going to fall!!" She thought.
The ledge broke off, causing her to slip for Mayu's hand little by little.
Y/n: "let me go Mayu."
Mayu: "no y/n! I'm not letting you go," she said as she felt tears forming in her eyes.
Y/n: "it's okay... protect the others, protect Yuuka for me, please. Tell him I'm sorry.."
Mayu: "HAYAMI! Hurry up and help me!"
Hayami: "I'm trying but masks keep on coming."
Mayu: "just hand in there y/n I'm not going to let you go."
Y/n: "Mayu, if you hold on any longer, we'll both fall."
Mayu: "n-nooo" she said in between sobs.
Y/n: "I'm sorry Mayu..." y/n let go of her hand. Mayu being the only one gripping her hand.
Mayu: "no y/n don't let go! Please!!"
Y/n: "Mayu, it's okay, my hand is slipping anyways, just let me go, I don't want to be the reason your life ends as well."
Mayu knew that she couldn't help her get up. She herself was slipping off the ledge. Mayu was a strong, but her strength was in fighting, not muscle.
She was right, and Mayu knew that this was the end of the line for her.
Y/n: "just promise me that you'll watch over him..."
Mayu: "I promise y/n, I'm so sorry I couldn't help you."
Y/n: "it's okay..." she said with tears streaming down her cheeks.
Y/n used her other hand to pull Mayu off of her.
Y/n fell, seeing Yuuka in the distance running to her, stopping as he watched her fall. He was in shock. Yuuka continued to run to her direction but he lost sight of her when another building blocked the view.
Y/n was getting close to the ground, "this is it..." when suddenly she felt her body crash into glass, slamming into a wall. A man was on top of her.
Man: "are you alright? I'm sorry for slamming you against the wall."
Y/n: "it's okay, thank you, for saving me..."
Y/n: "You! YOURE A MASK!!"
Y/n backed off from fear. "It's okay I'm not going to hurt you.." the mask said. He was huge. He wore an all black suit, muscles clearly visible.
Y/n believed him, after all, he could have let her fall, but instead he saved her. "I'm the great Angel, you are?" The mask asked her. "My name is y/n.." she responded.
Y/n: "I need to get back to my group."
Great Angel: "I'm sorry but no can do for the moment, since there's no way down from the rooftops, there's no way up either. Let's get down to the street and figure something out."
They went down, exiting out to the street. Y/n looked up, "wow these skyscrapers are huge!"
Y/n: "Yuuka..." she thought to herself.
Yuuka and Hayami waited for Mayu, eventually finding her. "Oh good, I'm glad your awake," she said.
"Rika is looking for you, and it doesn't seem like he just wants to talk," Mayu said in a scared voice.
Yuuka: "we need to put an end to this now," he said clenching his jaw.
Mayu: "wait, you're not okay.."
Yuuka: "yes, I am. I have Kuons powers and knowledge now." He said as he walked away in Search of Mamoru and Rika.
Mayu and Hayami looked at it each other confused. "Ah I see what happened," Hayami told Mayu, "when Kuon died, she transferred everything to him, all he had to do was accept it, leaving Kuon to disappear once and for all, she could live on as a thought, but it would only be in his mind," he explained. Mayu looked at Sniper Masks back, "I wonder...." she whispered to herself.
Mayu: "we need to find Yuri and let her know that he went off to look for her brother."
The two rushed to the top where Yuri was. "Where's the Guardian Angel?" Mayu asked. "She just took off, I couldn't catch up to her," Yuri explained. "Hmm well we should hurry, Yuuka is looking for Your brother as well," Mayu told Yuri as she pulled her hand in the direction that he had run off to.
Yuri: "where's y/n?"
Mayu and Hayami stopped and stared at each other, both thinking the same thing, "you tell her,"
Mayu: "Yuri..... y/n, she's um...... she fell...."
Yuri: "what do you mean she fell?"
Mayu: "when the guardian Angel crash landed, it threw y/n off the building. You and I tried to pull y/n up from the ledge she was hanging on to, but...."
Mayu didn't know how to finish the sentence, after all, Yuri had run off to fight the Guardian Angel, leaving Mayu to be the only one to pull y/n to safety.
Hayami: "while you ran off to fight the guardian Angel that was trying to kill Rika and Mamoru, I was to defend Mayu and y/n from the masks, but Mayu wasn't able to pull her up..."
Yuri felt tears roll down her face, "I-I'm so sorry Mayu, I'm sorry y/n. I shouldn't have ran off... I'm so so sorry," she said sobbing.
Yuri: "oh no, Sniper Mask....."
Mayu: "he already knows....."
Yuri: "I need to find him, I need to apologize...."
Mayu: "it's best if we don't mention it to him right now, his mind is clouded with Rika being brain washed and y/n falling.... I think we should give him some time before we speak about it..."
Yuri felt bad. She knew it was her fault y/n had died. Had she stayed to help her pull her up and THEN ran off to fight the Angel, y/n would still be alive right now.
The girls and Hayami ran off to find Yuuka to offer back up.
He had ran back to the building they were previously at before he had passed out. He climbed to the rooftop, scanning every building in the area in hopes of finding the 2 guys.
"Found you..." he said as he aimed at Mamoru. He fired his shot, Rika catching the bullet with his fingers.
Rika: "that burned my fingers," he said as he licked them to sooth the burn. Rika looked in the direction of the bullet, seeing the Sniper Mask. He signaled Yuuka to come to him. He made his way to Rika, not crossing the bridge yet.
Rika: "I've been looking for you brother..."
Yuuka: ", Yuri...." he thought to himself.
Rika: " Yuuka, if you come any closer, I will fight you and I'll kill you. I'm far stronger than you, don't make any stupid decisions."
Yuuka: "what's the worse that can happen, the person I cared about the most is dead..."
Yuuka: "I can atleast die trying to save you..."
Rika: "I'm sorry.... I know that the real Rika would show you pity, but that's not who I am anymore, I don't feel anything, so I can't comfort you.."
Yuuka: "I'm not asking for your pity, I want the real Rika to fight, to not let this new you take over him."
Yuuka continued the conversation, he saw that the girls were behind them. They were still unnoticed.
Yuuka: "why are you doing this.."
Mamoru: "this world needs to be cleansed, he as my apostle will help cleanse the world when I become God."
Mamoru: "this world will only be occupied by the strong. The smartest of the pack will be the one to survive, the rest, they're the scum of the earth."
Rika didn't agree with him, but he had no choice but to obey his commands.
Yuri quietly approached Mamoru, shooting him in the back. Rika turned around when the gunshot was heard. He held Mamoru in his arms, looking at Yuri in anger because he wasn't able to protect him. Yuuka held Rika in his arms to hold him back from fighting Yuri.
Hayami: "you're going to die a slow and painful death, I can feel it. You're going to wallow in darkness and sorrow. When you die, you won't be cleansed. You're soul isn't pure, you're heart and mind are corrupted, you're not going to find peace, your afterlife will be filled with pain. It'll be hell for you.."
Mamoru chuckled, "as long as he carries out my plan, I'm fine with anything."
Hayami: "undo it... you know that it scares you. You're mother disappeared from you as a child. You grew up alone and afraid. That's why you turned out this way, but deep down, you don't want this, you just wanted to see your mother. Do what's right Mamoru..."
Mamoru knew that he was right. He missed his dear mother. She had abandoned him, and he never knew why. "I can't, all of this and for what?" He said.
Hayami: "the mistakes that your mother made, aren't your fault, they never were, and they sure aren't theirs either. Don't let them pay for something they didn't do.."
Mamoru felt his soul leaving his body, he looked at Rika, "I remove your brainwashing..."
Rika felt himself regain control of his thoughts and body. Mamoru took his last breath, calling out for his mother.

Rika looked at Yuuka, we need to find a way down to the street, we need to find y/n.
Mayu grabbed Rikas arm, "it'll only hurt him more."
Rika: "we need to confirm that she's dead. We would have heard her head hit the concrete, unless if you heard it.."
Yuuka overheard the conversation between the two looking up at them.
Mayu: "you're right, I didn't pay attention to it, so much was going on, I might have not heard it..."
Yuri: "I'll look, if she's down there, I'll confirm it so that you don't have to see it.." she said as she looked down feeling ashamed.

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