Part Sju

586 31 4

(AN: This chapter will contain a small POV of Ladonia after Sweden has told them that Finland is gone. BTW Italics are thoughts that the character is having / mental discussion with them self)


Gosh it's just like Sve to completely forget about me! Bleh bleh bleh that's all he every does is mutter nonsense when I could be wining another gym badge. Like seriously he acts like I wasn't even here; re-telling the whole story (Incorrectly too). Just cuz I'm on my Gameboy doesn't mean I cant hear him banning on my wall, screaming, and sobbing. I mean I would cry to if I found out I was getting less Christmas presents because Santa hates me. But Hey! Who could hate me, for I could take down the mighty Sve in one blow?! Actually now that I think about it he is weak now that Tino broke away. This might be my chance! I can finally get what I deserve. I waited long and hard for this day to come and it's time I made my move. Finally I could ask Berwald for my game cartridge,Pokemon Sapphire back!!!! But if he's in a bad mood, he might say no. I guess I am better off looking for it myself.

Precariously I poked my head out from behind the wooden door of my room, staring up into the sad Nations eyes. "So ya towering no brain finally decided to express some emotion!" Shoving him into the wall and venturing out into the hall I began my search. However Sve would just not quit! Gosh he's so annoying!

" 'rl-Erland why, why ar ya act'ng like tis. I told ya the n'ws and ya l'ck ya self 'n ya room. Th'n I tell ya 'm gonna look f'r T'no and ya get mad. I don't underst'nd."

"Well ya would understand if ya listened to me ya babbling lumberjack."

Feeling my emotions get the best of me I whipped around and smacked the curiosity off the old Swedes face. " There I hope ya got a reality check" It's not like that the first time ive done that, he gets what he deserve!

As I picked up the pace and marched down the hall way I thought of what had happened recently last week. Lets see, my parents were going threw the old relics in there garage. That's when I got my second gym badge, thanks to stunfisk! It was awesome too! Beating that stupid Tangela down with one blow of my mighty Stunfisk! Anyways that's when Tino rudely grabbed the game and demanded that I should help. Since lets see how did he put it... "You are property of Sweden, so this stuff is your's to. So you should help your papa".......Or something along those lines. I soon knocked Sve onto his knees till Mathias came in asking to borrow some butter, because Lukas was going threw his cravings again. That's when I dashed off my dads back and ran to Tino. THAT'S IT! I remember now! Tino was hanging his jacket onto the hook, when he slipped the cartridge into the neatly stitched pocket.

"Papa!" My own voice echoed down the hall, ringing threw out every room

"Tino? Where the hell are you? Get over here I need you! Why aren't you listening to me!"

"Hey little Nation, where are you get over here and hand me my game."That's when I realized the truth he was gone, really gone and he wasn't coming bac-

"HOLY SHIT LOOK! IT'S MY POKEMON GAME! WHY THE HELL WOULD HE LEAVE IT ON HIS BEDROOM FLOOR?" Strutting out of the room, my memory was erased. I had completely forgotten what I was thinking about, that's until Peter started balling his eyes out, gosh why was Sve being so mean today?

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