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  • Dedicated to Tino Väinämöinen Berwald Oxenstierna

      (SWEDEN POV)

          As the night dragged on and my wanting for Tino thrived into desire. While subdue icy eyes burned holes into the window out looking the snow covered forest.Craving to see the liten pojke in need of warmth and love. Coming willingly back to our humble cabin. However each minute that passed was one more thought put into my mind as to why Tino left. Normally the intricate boy would give an explanation to spare the feelings of others. For he had always avoided hurting acquaintances and found it quite undesirable. However this time it was a mystery and an answer was hidden away, behind lock and key. As I drifted away wearily into a half conscious state. Rocking myself to sleep I had thought of one last reason. Causing me to tremble while a lone tear rolled down my slender cheek, onto the silken pillow case.

        With a dull and rather slow blink of an eye; I forced myself out of bed with a loud utterance of sobs. Within an instant my muscles constricted and all tones of color flushed out of my face. Leaving me empty of all expression, for the glacial air had obliterated my remorse. With a couple creeks of the uneven Alpine floor boards; I managed to stride my lofty figure over to the chilled thermometer. Promptly I raised my robust ivory hand to swab away the vapor and gaze upon the temperature. Where the thawed red liquid just reached the hash mark clarifying it was negative twenty four degrees Celsius in the house alone. For the temperature never bothered a slim Swede like me, but tonight it did. Because I did not have my main supply of heat with me. Tino was the raging fire that cleared away the blizzard of my heart even in the deepest of snowfalls. He was always there to ease my frustration, so it was my turn to be their for him. Although Tino was not by my side I have learned many things about the Fin while he was here. One being that he could not stand the freezing cold air, and that he would do anything to get warm. Within a second I took one last impenetrable glare out the lunette window and reached for my boots that were placed in front of the now lifeless fire place. Soon to be tugging on my shadowy coat and forcefully shoving the buttons within their designated holes with an expeditious pace. Thoughts sped threw out my conscious as I hastily heaved the thick wool cloak over my broad shoulders. Breathing heavily I was able to get the scent of pine that Tino's radiant glow always gave off. Although this was my cloak. Tino was the one who made it and I always refused to wear the cloak he had created in front of him out of embarrassment. Getting one last waft of the faded  smell I raised my flat brim hat to my head rustling the neatly combed pastel yellow hair that began to spike outward. And now lastly I rummaged threw the closet finding my blunt aged viking sword that I haven't wielded since the beginning of the Nordic 5. Shoving it into a leather black holster that was buckled around my waste.

        With one final shove I plunged out of the house slamming the door shut with agitation. Creating a heavy wind knocking the holly off the door frame, dropping it in the shimmering snow. 

" D' n't w'rry T'no , Sve 's com'ng t' sav' ya " My uneasy voiced released a puff of steam whirling around my overpowering silhouette. 

        After some amount of time I had removed my glasses to bare the metal frame from snapping in the cold weather. Although I could not see without them, it was easier then trying to see threw the glass with steam in the way. However by judge of light peeking out of the mountain tops, my eyes could always tell the difference between a normal Nordic frost, and the Nordic frost on the days of the midnight sun. Which uunfortunately this was that devastating time of the year that during the night the sun just barley stretched a glimpse of light threw the skyline. With little light to guide a blind wolf like me, I was forced to use my memory of the forest to help me scavenge for Tino. 

        Now about 10 miles into the never ending forest and a foot deep into the snow, I broke out into a running pace. Time was closing in on me and if Tino wasn't found soon, perhaps he would never want me back. Not allowing the heavy weight of snow to pull me under I forcefully kicked my way while running yet every bone in my body ached of exhaustion. The wind began every so suddenly to pick up whipping me around the face. Soon causing a stream of tears to run down my face, making it harder with dried yet teary eyes to blink. I huffed with every step now taken hastily gazing at my numb feet, while a whisk of snow knocked the breath out of me. As my vision faded away from me while I tried to grasp the last image that flickered with in my mind. And that's when I wept, for I would never find Tino and while I lay here unconscious another Nation like Russia might just come and invade me. 

" 'm s'rry T'no " Escaped my chapped lips while I used the last of my breath " 've fa'led ya " .............

        I now lay flat on the ground curled into a rather large ball covered by my cloak and a newly placed blanket of snow.  For I had always relied on my physical strength and endurance to get me threw the toughest of obstacles. But this time I have pushed it to far, I had met my limits. Who know's maybe i'll die before Tino says he does not love me. Anything would be better then having to hear those words spat out by Tino. Anything.......



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