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AN: Sorry for the really short chapter guys but I dont know if im going to continue the book. 


"What the hell! That jerk left us? How am I supposed to become a Nation, if my only supporter left!"

Pristine blue eyes flashed with anger as I could tell that Berwald was not pleased to hear I was only upset because of "Selfish" reasons.

"And he totally forgot to give me that Christmas present......AGAIN!"

Constricting my miniature fist together I drew them to my hips putting on a sassy-depressed pose.

"As  sa'd P'ter 'm leav'ng to find T'no. Erland isn't in th' best stat' eith'r. Please lo'k aft'r him .

"Hahaha of course you idiotic buffoon. I am the older sibling and I can handle it way better then that jerk Britain ever will. However if I do, do this favor for you I expect something in return."

" Fine! Wh't ya want?"

Rubbing my chilled hands together I greedily out spoke the thoughts lingering around in my head.

"A pony, a skate board, a warship armada...." And on I rang a joyful song of my hopes for Santa. But don't you know only adults are allowed to talk to that Jerk British Santa. But if I have Sve do it, I am sure to get more presents than the rest of the Nations! And maybe if I can beat the rest of them with the amount of presents I hall in......THEN I CAN BECOME A NATION!!! 

"Hm? Peter ? Um 'm leavin now." Shuffling towards the door the towering oath grabbed his coat. 

"Pl'ase watch ov'r him" Directing a gaze over at the aggressive child on the couch. With a simple nod and snort I followed up the man's request with "Only if I get my fair payment"

Rolling his eyes he slammed the doors, and I plopped my butt onto the couch.

"You hear that you stupid Swedish Island, Im in charge!" 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2016 ⏰

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