Part Fem

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(AN: I want to give credit to tentacleTherapisst! She helped me A LOT with the opening for this chapter! Also she is an AMAZING author and person! So if ya didn't follow her yet.....FOLLOW her ya noob! Thanks!) 


        Wearily I could feel the heat of the moment flash across my face. However I finally responded with a sorrow filled croak. 

"Well, um Berwald I um I do like it here, but I..."

My sentence ended abruptly, when I heard a solemn Berwald behind me slam a might fist on the wall. That's when I made my decision. Silently I slipped to the door way reaching for my coat upon the firm hook. While stretching up to grasp the coat, a tense hand clutched my wrist pulling it down to my side. Promptly my eyes widened and jaw tightened as I felt anger coming on. 

"Spit 't out, Fin!" Berwald hissed out in a low monotone voice as a furious expression burned across his face. 

"Berwald, please I just want to be free!" I instantly pulled away from his skin tight grasp. Turning towards the towering figure I looked him straight in the eyes balling my fist that were strained enough for a white to appeared, to counteract with the coruscating red upon my once pale face. 

"Berwald, I can't stay here any longer, all you do is use me. I can't live like this any longer; if this is how things are going to be! I'm leaving, this instant and so help me god if you come after me. You will regret it." 

Forcefully I plunged upward grasping hold of the coat and shoving it onto my unpretentious frame. Backing away from the lofty, stupefied man, I briskly turned and made a beeline towards the exit of Hell , and entrance to a new start. However I could'ent help but turn around and take one last peek at my lover. Who to my surprise had tears rolling down his slender cheeks. I could tell that his filter broke, for all these emotions over whelming him while he crumbled to the ground, like a kid; scared of himself. It was unlike Berwald to act like this, especially in front of others. 

"Oh Berwald, why can't you see it?" reluctantly turning around to face him and stretching out a subdued hand to rub the tension off his back. But within doing so the strapping Swede stood up on two muscular legs and vigorously shoved me up against the wall, pinning my arms above my head with just one hand. Gulping and looking up to meet with Sve's intimidating pedicuring blue eyes I saw worry, and misgiving. He was frightened, however that does not excuse his actions. After struggling for a good 5 minutes, Berwald seemed to have crack. Stroking my tear stained checks with his abstracted hand. But that's when I knew he wanted more from me, so I decided it was my time to go. To trick him I arched my back forward in position to give him a kiss, he let his guard down allowing my to shove past him a run straight to the door. However a pain sped rapidly threw out my arm as I saw a purplish lump began to form on my wrist, h-he hurt me?

"How could you!?! I thought you cared about me! I-I- I can never forgive you for playing with my feelings! I must go!" Grabbing Hanatamago I fled from the house however the only words I could find myself repeating was,

"I'm to fragile, I'm to fragile, I'm just to fragile!" 

"T'no! T'no! Pleas' c'me back! I Love Y'u!!" The Swede stood in the door way with the brisk cold air nipping at him, while I slipped away into the isolated gelid night. With his final words echoing in my head.

But....I'm just to fragile to live with him. He deserves better, and so do I. Fumbling with the cold silver, shimmering band that wrapped it's self around my ring finer. I slipped it off shaking hands; and threw it into the wind storm. What happened in the past stays there, It's time for my independence! 

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