Part Tre

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(AN: I think the music fits along with this book, so if ya want listen to it while reading be my guest, if not then tough luck!) 


         Abruptly I sat up shaking the show off of my hands. Expeditiously wiping the chilled, pure, white, crystallized snow flakes from my stiffened body. That's when I noticed the camouflaged pup sprawled out on top of my frozen legs. Raising eyebrows and then squinting, I leaned forward yanking my glasses from the dogs tightened jaw. Once I removed them from the vibrate beast and placed them upon my aching temples. Taking a glance up, questioning as to why this puppy was all alone. A surprise hit me literally, a white blob sprang off his hind legs launching himself into the air and then clutching my face. His tail wagged frantically, as wet slippery tongue escaped his mouth drenching my face in drool. Pulling him off, I held the monster in front of my eyes so I could get a good image of my attacker. 

"Wh't! Why 're ya h're H'natamag' !" I gasped pulling the dog into my warning chest. 

"Wher's ya're mum!! D'd h' leave ya out h're!!!" I whispered into his fur covered ear, feeling the blood rush threw out my face. 

        A muffled cry escaped from the chapped lips that I lay upon Hanatamago's pure, white, glossy, fur. Shoving him into my buttoned over coat to warm the little dog, I thought to myself not realizing the dog whimper as I stood up pushing threw the snow. Why would Tino just leave Hanatamago outside? Alone, not with him? After all Hanatamago was Tino's dog, he was the one who found her. Normally spoiling her rotten with treats, belly rubs, and delicate kisses. Letting her sleep between my slumbering side and his. It's not like him to leave the dog outside, but if he didn't want her anymore. Wait a minute! No Tino put his soul and life into this dogs happpines! He would'nt dare upset the cute pup. For she meant the world to Tino, next to myself . Of coarse. 

        That's when I stopped and thought to myself. If I did mean so much to him, then why leave? And if he really did love Hanatamago then why leave her too?!?!  Furrowing my brow,  I marched forth leaving a large gap in between the flurry of snow piles. Although I had been unconscious for nearly 4 hours, I presumed by the look of the sky, and the heavy drop in temperature; the snow had just kept falling in large clumps covering every last trace of Tino. 

        Catching me by surprise, Hanatamago violently began shaking and squirming threw out my arms, plopping herself on the snow covered path before me. Insisting me to keep walking while she wandered by my towering boots.

        The farther we ventured into the blizzard the more nervous Hana and I became. Now as the daylight broke from behind the tree hidden barricade,Hanatamago snuggled her self into my trembling arms. While I silently murmured a lullaby in Swedish to calm the pups nerves. Within no time I could just make out the sound of her breath rising and falling threw the whisking winds. Luckily the wind expunged the tears rolling down my tense face. It was very uncharacteristic for me to cry so openly like this. The only expression I would normally show was irritation, if any one every saw this, I don't know what I would have done. It's just, Tino, I don't know what came over him. But I do know that this is not the loving, carefree, Fin I had fallen in love with. Something has defiantly changed within him, and it most certainly is not good. Although I do not know what Tino had been thinking I do know that he is regretting his actions. And what ever I had done to cause this sudden outburst from him, I am regretting it sincerely. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                       * 10 Hours Later*

        Ten long hours on foot. No human contact, no new news. All disappointment and sorrow filled today. Although I am happy to see Hanatamago, I would have been happier to see Tino following the dog to me. But I will keep searching! Even if he doesn't want to see me, I need to make sure he is okay! Fighting my instincts for once, I knew I had to keep looking. Tino is the only person I trust, and love. However he knows my weaknesses, HE COULD BE TELLING ANOTHER COUNTRY! HE COULD HAVE BEEN WORKING FOR ANOTHER ONE OF THEM! LIKE DENMARK! But alas he woulden't he might know my weaknesses, but he also knows many other things. Like how to make me laugh, smile, joke around, dance, and well show my love. He knew everything about me, he's left a difference in my.....heart. A new sense of affection and tenderness. 

"Don't ya w'rry T'no , 'm not g'v'ng up!"

         I shouted off into the sky as the dark swallowed some remaining  light that was left in the sky. However I did not know why I did that, because that there was not possible way of him hearing me. But just by saying those words it loosed my face into relaxation. While I drifted away into a long nap up against the tall oak tree. With my joyful pup laying upon chest. Just because I let Tino leave me, doesn't me I wasn't going to put up a fight!


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