Chapter 2

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I was greeted by familiar, ocean blue pair of eyes that slightly calmed my raging nerves.

"H-hi Rosella," I nervously stuttered with a small, shaky smile." I'm so sorry I followed you, I don't know what got into me. Please forgive me?" I immediately rushed, shame flowing through me like a river.

"What's there to forgive?" She softly smiled, almost making my jaw drop in disbelief of her easy going nature.

"Aren't you upset with me?" I found myself asking in disbelief.

"Nope. Not really? I mean, I guess I was acting suspicious, am I right?" She lightly giggled.

"I guess..." I trailed off.

"Is that my pencil case?" She suddenly asked, pointing to the small bag, still clutched in my hand.

"Y-yeah. Mr White found it on our table, it was actually the main reason I followed you." I explained, handing her her pencil case.

"Thank you. I don't know how I left it. I always check before I leave," She replied, taking the bag from my hands," Thank you so much."

"It's my pleasure. Sorry again for following you." I apologetically smiled.

"It's alright. Please don't worry yourself." She reassuringly smiled." Well, I have to go now. I'll see you tomorrow? But for real this time."

I giggled but nodded," Yes."

She turned around with a smile and made her way out the greenhouse with me at her heels. With one last wave at each other, we went our separate ways.

My phone vibrating in my pocket, had me pulling it out and swiping on the green, answer button without a glance as I trailed down the now almost desolate hall.

"Honey, where are you?" Came my mom's concerned voice.

"I'm so sorry, Mom. I got a bit sidetracked. I'll be there in a minute." I said as I walked at a faster pace down the halls.

"Okay, I'm in the parking lot." With that, the line went dead.

I made it to the school gate and stepped out into the pool of students, happily loitering around as they chatted with their friends. My eyes scanned through the crowds as I slipped past the many crowds to the first parking lot. I immediately spotted my mother's familiar, grey Nissan X-Trail. I made it to the passenger door and pulled the door handle, opening the door before jumping in.

"Hey you." She smiled at me with that soft, motherly smile that never failed to fill me with calmness and peace.

"Hi Mom. I'm sorry I made you wait." I apologized as I put my bag down and pulled on my seatbelt.

"It's alright, Baby. I really didn't wait that long, my Angel." She reassured," So tell me how your first day went? Made any new friends?" She asked as the started up the engine and reversed from the lot.

"Yeah, I did." I said, a smile lacing my lips at the thought of Rosella's energetic behaviour.

"That's good. Do we need to go buy something?" She asked as we stopped at the red signals.

"Yeah, I took notes on my phone's notepad." I replied, staring out at the petrol station next to the road as we slowly took off.


"Mira? Earth to Mira? Are you in there?" Came Rosella's playful voice through my deep thoughts, snapping back to reality and to my surroundings.

"Sorry Rosella, I was just thinking about later." I apologetically smiled.

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